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Interview and Transcribing

Information on how to do interviews and transcribe them follows. See the left-hand menu for information on anonymisation/de-identification and a software for transcribing, f4transcript. 

Doing Interviews

If you are planning to collect data through interviews, these can be conducted in person or digitally. For in-person interviews, you must arrange a suitable location to conduct them. Consult with your supervisor and the relevant literature, or ask the participants what they are comfortable with. It is also possible to conduct digital interviews. For information on how to use Zoom and the voice recorder for interviews, and info for red data, see: How to use Zoom and Nettskjema-voice recorder for interviews. It may be wise to present the participants with several options so that they can choose the situation in which they prefer to be interviewed.


Transcription is the process of converting audio recordings into text, which facilitates a more straightforward analysis of the data you have collected. This can be done manually by listening to the recordings and typing them out, but many tools are currently being developed to automate this process. Since you are advised to handle data as if it were classified as 'red' during the data collection process of qualitative projects, you can use Whisper or Auto-text (under construction, expected by the end of 2024) in TSD. If you also know during data collection that you will only be dealing with 'yellow' data, you may use auto-text or f4transcript outside of TSD.

Anonymisation or de-identification is often an important part of the transcription process. See Anonymisation/De-Identification in the Transcribing Process for more information.

How to Safely Share Data with Others

Share with peers, supervisors or participants through SafeShare UiO:



Published May 22, 2024 2:47 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 11:53 AM