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TSD (Services for Sensitive Data)

TSD is one of the platforms provided by the University of Oslo for secure storage of research data (TSD UiO, Video about TSD from UiO), and it is the standard solution for PSI for sensitive research. TSD has procedures in place to ensure quality, traceability, reuse, sharing, and deletion/destruction, which enable them to meet the strictest legal requirements for handling and storing sensitive research data. With TSD, you can securely store data up to the level of black data.

TSD works by creating a virtual computer, a digital PC, that serves as your secure storage area. It functions just like a regular computer, with its own desktop, which you log into from your personal computer using a program called VM Ware Horizon Client. Inside the virtual computer, there are folders, programs, and web browsers that can be safely used for data up to the level of black.

TSD works well when collaborating with others.

How to create a TSD-project area

To create a TSD area, you need to have a Bank ID and an assessment document from SIKT, Internetisk, or REK. Then, you can fill out the application for creating the TSD area on this web form. Here is a guide on how to fill out the form.

How to access your TSD-project area through VMware Horizon

To access data stored in TSD on your personal computer, you need to download VMware Horizon from this link: 

Once it is downloaded:

Make a new password by lonning in here: > change password > log in via ID-porten

1. Open the VMware Horizon application on your computer.

2. Click on 'New Server' and enter '' as the server address.

3. User name: project code (found in the confirmation email for TSD creation) + hyphen + username (before '' in your school email). For example: p1111-olanord. OTP (one-time password): retrieve it from the Google Authenticator app by connecting it to TSD. The password is the one you just created on Note: this field may change names, so be aware if it asks for OTP or password.

4. You will now be logged into a 'new PC' where you have access to the files in TSD.

If you encounter any login issues or cannot find what you need, please contact

Once you have successfully accessed your TSD area and logged in, you are ready to make audio recordings. To do this, you need to use nettskjema-diktafon.

How to Export Data from TSD

When the transcriptions are de-identified, you may consider exporting the data from the TSD area for further analysis. However, it is important to ensure that the data is adequately de-identified/pseudonymized. It is recommended to review it multiple times before exporting it out. If the de-identified/pseudonymized data is classified as yellow data, you can export the data to storage solutions approved for yellow data, such as UiO OneDrive.

Here is a simple explanation of how to export data from TSD. A more detailed explanation follows.

The individual who created the TSD area has the ability to perform the export. If you do not have the ability to export files, you need to request permission from the responsible person to do so (explanation on how to grant access is provided below).

Steps to export files from TSD:

  1. Copy the files you want to export to the 'file-export' folder under the 'durable' folder in TSD.
  • Note: Filenames can consist of letters, numbers, periods, hyphens, and underscores. The first character cannot be a period. Therefore, you cannot have spaces or other characters in the filename.
  1. Then, open
  •    Click on 'export.'
    • Log in (make sure you are logged into the correct project; the logged-in project is indicated at the top right corner).
  •   Your files should appear here, ready to be downloaded outside of TSD

Grant Access to the TSD-project Area to Others

The person who creates the TSD area is initially the only one with access to the export folder, and therefore the only one with the ability to export out of TSD. However, to grant access to the export folder for other users (such as the classmates you are writing with), you can follow these steps via

1. Select 'Manage user groups' under 'Project Administration.'

2. You will see a list of all the groups. Click on the group name ending with 'export-group.'

3. You will now see the username of the other user in the menu on the left under 'Available groups and users.' Click 'Add' below the username to add it to the menu on the right under 'Members of pxxxx-export-group.'

4. Click the 'Submit' button and then 'Save.'

5. The other user should now have access to the export folder within TSD.

Published May 22, 2024 2:42 PM - Last modified June 3, 2024 11:29 AM