How to get better at presenting your research!

In this age of short attention spans, social media and evolving technologies, our traditional presenting methods are simply not working to their full potential. Therefore, we have to rethink the way we are presenting information to properly engage and truly resonate with our audiences.

Male, smartly dressed, beard.

Shane David Colvin

This talk aims to give those working in Academia practical tips and guidance on how to instantly improve their presentations by communicating effectively and thinking like a designer.

Shane David Colvin is a graphic designer and digital designer who works as a senior engineer at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, UiO. 

The seminar is open to everyone but particularly relevant for PhD candidates, postdoctoral research fellows, and other early career researchers. 

Catering will be provided, so please sign up here by 23 March!



Tags: Presentation skills, Research, Communication
Published Mar. 15, 2023 10:34 AM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2023 10:57 AM