Short-term group analytic psychotherapy for young adults with ADHD

Growing up with ADD/ADHD is challenging and can lead to problems as an adult relating to establishing and maintaining good relationships, self-compassion, and emotion regulation.

About the project

Difficulties with concentration, memory, and executive functions (planning, overview, execution) can also make everyday life challenging and be difficult for others to understand, regardless of upbringing conditions.

Group psychotherapy for adults with ADD/ADHD is an open exploratory forum where, through exchange with like-minded people, the participants can come to a better understanding of their own relational and emotional challenges and develop improved self-compassion, and relational functioning.

A manual (Lorentzen, 2013) for short-term group therapy for adults with mild to moderate psychological and relational difficulties has shown a documented effect (Bakali and colleagues 2013, Fjeldstad and colleagues 2017).


This pilot study will map whether the manual is also suitable for adults with diagnosed ADD/ADHD and investigate expected improvement more systematically.

Published Oct. 19, 2023 10:37 AM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2023 10:37 AM