Digital Emotions

How does the brain process natural and AI-generated emotional expressions?

A person wearing headphones listening to natural human and AI-generated voice stimuli.

About the project

Our aim is to investigate how the human brain processes natural (human) and artificial (AI-generated) emotional vocalizations as well as the factors influencing these processes. While voice stimuli produced from AI are increasingly present in our everyday environment, human interaction with such stimuli remains under-studied. We use fMRI to measure brain activity and questionnaires to measure individual factors.


We are actively recruiting participants who:

  • Are between the ages of 18 to 65
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing
  • Are healthy and not currently taking psychiatric medication

Participants will listen to emotional vocalizations and respond to questions. The experimental procedure takes place at The Intervention Centre (IVS) at Oslo University Hospital (Rikshospitalet) and should take about 3 hours in total. Participants will receive a gift card of 350 NOK.

If you are interested in knowing more about the project, please read the information sheet and consent form.

Participation form

To indicate your interest for participation, please click below: Sign up to participate

Ethical considerations

This is an anonymous lab project. Your contact information is handled temporarily for administrative purposes. All information obtained during the study is kept secured, and the data is used solely for research purposes.

The project has been approved by the internal research ethics committee at the Department of Psychology (UiO) and the Norwegian Center for Research Data (NSD / Sikt ref # 804663).


This project is funded by a PhD-fellowship of the University of Oslo.

Tags: Emotions, perceptions, Social Psychology, fMRI
Published June 21, 2023 8:50 AM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 3:21 PM


If you have any questions about participating in the study, please contact