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Digital Access to Journals

Mental health personnel are required by law to write mental health notes in order to document the patient’s health condition, the reasons for seeking help, and the treatment provided.

About the project

For patients, digital access to their mental health notes is a democratic right based on the assumption that knowledge of what is noted about their health condition and treatment will increase codetermination and contribute to empowering the patient as a citizen of society.


Access to mental health notes potentially opens the opportunity for both facilitation and limitation of patient-therapist collaboration. There is scarce knowledge on positive as well as unintended negative effects of this access. The goal of the project is to provide knowledge on how digitally accessible health notes may influence on the working alliance between patients and therapists during treatment.

Research group

Hilde Flata, phd-candidate at the Department of psychology, UiO, Petter Aaslestad, professor at the Department of Language and Literature, NTNU, and Hanne Weie Oddli, Department of psychology, UiO.


The project is funded by Stiftelsen Dam through the Norwegian Council of Mental Health (NCMH), 01.01.2022-31.12.2025, and the Department of psychology, University of Oslo.


Forandringsfabrikken, RIO, Høgskolen på Vestlandet, Blå Kors, NTNU, OUS, Lovisenberg diakonale sykehus.

Published Oct. 16, 2023 3:10 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 3:47 PM