Neural foundations of cognitive control

About the project

Cognitive control refers to mental operations that allow for the adaptation of goal-oriented behavior in accordance with environmental demands. The control of interferences in information processing and inhibitory control are major topics in this field.


A major goal of our research is to identify the cognitive and neural mechanisms that facilitate effective inhibition, i.e. the ability to control and suppress thoughts or behavior.

Specifically, we

- try to establish measures of response inhibition based on electromyographic recordings that can be directly observed, and thus avoid calculations that rely on  model-based assumptions. 

- are interested in identifying processes other than response inhibition proper that drive inhibitory performance (early sensory processing, proactive attentional control etc.). 

- study the applicability of measures of response inhibition for the study of psychopathological ontogenesis and diagnostics. 


  • Raud L, Thunberg C, Huster RJ. Partial response electromyography as a marker of action stopping. Elife. 2022 
  • Boen R, Raud L, Huster RJ. Inhibitory Control and the Structural Parcelation of the Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus. Front Hum Neurosci. 2022
  • Huster RJ, Bundt C, Raud L. Quo vadis, inhibition? A section commentary on the articles by Diesburg and Isherwood. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2022 
  • Messel MS, Raud L, Hoff PK, Stubberud J, Huster RJ. Frontal-midline theta reflects different mechanisms associated with proactive and reactive control of inhibition. Neuroimage. 2021
  • Huster RJ, Messel MS, Thunberg C, Raud L. The P300 as marker of inhibitory control - Fact or fiction? Cortex. 2020
  • Raud L, Huster RJ, Ivry RB, Labruna L, Messel MS, Greenhouse I. A Single Mechanism for Global and Selective Response Inhibition under the Influence of Motor Preparation. J Neurosci. 2020
  • Thunberg C, Messel MS, Raud L, Huster RJ. tDCS over the inferior frontal gyri and visual cortices did not improve response inhibition. Sci Rep. 2020
  • Raud L, Westerhausen R, Dooley N, Huster RJ. Differences in unity: The go/no-go and stop signal tasks rely on different mechanisms. Neuroimage. 2020
  • Messel MS, Raud L, Hoff PK, Skaftnes CS, Huster RJ. Strategy switches in proactive inhibitory control and their association with task-general and stopping-specific networks. Neuropsychologia. 2019
Published Jan. 23, 2024 10:34 PM - Last modified Mar. 11, 2024 3:27 PM