The Oslo Virtual Laterality Colloquium

Laterality Friday is going into its third semester, spring term 2022. I am very grateful to the volunteer presenters. Thanks to their positive response, the colloquium also this year will cover exciting recent observational, behavioural, neuroimaging, and genetic studies on topics of laterality in humans and other species.

As in previous semesters, the colloquium is going to take place the last Friday of every month. Each session entails a ca. 30 minute presentation as well as space for interesting discussions. Deviating from tradition, the starting time will vary between events. This variation was introduced to be able to include presenters and attendees from North America, as you may notice for the January colloquium. It also has the nice side effect that it will not always exclude the same individuals from attending who happen to have regular meetings/teaching at the same time.  

A link to the Zoom meeting will be shared each month via our mailing list. Attendance is free of charge. Feel free to contact me, RenĂ© Westerhausen, if you would like to join the mailing list or should you have any questions.

Please reserve the dates (listed below) and carefully check the time it takes place. 

Looking forward to exciting Laterality Fridays in spring 2022! 



Dates, Time



28.01.2022, 14.00 CET

Corinna McFeaters, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

Identifying spatial effects in a lateralized duration estimation task

25.02.2022, 10.00 CET

GrĂ©goire Boulinguez-Ambroise, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Univ., France

Maternal cradling bias in baboons: The first environmental factor affecting early infant handedness development?

25.03.2022, 14.00 CET

Gesa Berretz, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

How acute stress modulates hemispheric asymmetries: Investigating the role of endocrinological and affective parameters

29.04.2022, 10.00 CEST

Judith Schmitz, Univ. of St Andrews, UK

Quantitative multidimensional phenotypes improve genetic analysis of laterality traits

27.05.2022, Cancelled

Guy Vingerhoets, Ghent University, Belgium Laterality Index Consensus Initiative (LICI) 
24.06.2022, 10.00 CEST Leah Johnstone, UCFB, London, UK Left, left, left-right, left-right, left, left, left-right, left-right: asymmetries in left handers are more complicated than we thought

A list of presenters and topic of previous semesters can be found here: spring 2021 and autumn 2021.


Published Jan. 10, 2022 5:04 PM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2023 11:22 AM