Norwegian version of this page

Promoting wellbeing: A randomized controlled trial of the Five Ways to All intervention

Five ways to wellbeing is an evidence-based health promoting framework which assumes that five action domains - connecting, being active, taking notice, keep learning and giving can promote wellbeing in the population.

Fotomontasje av aktiviteter som kan gi hverdagsglede

Photo montage with images from Pixabay and

About the project

Low-cost and evidence-based wellbeing promotive public health tools are urgently needed in Norwegian municipalities, to meet both current and future challenges with mental health and wellbeing. Health is created where people live their lives. Structural and political measures are important, but research also shows that wellbeing can be enhanced by health promotive activities we can do ourselves.


In this randomized controlled trial we examine if a shorter, digital version (The Five Ways to All interventions), of an already established course (Hverdagsgledekurset), can promote wellbeing in the general population. We will investigate to what extent the effects are short-term and long-term (i.e., 10 weeks , 3 months and 12 months).


This project is funded by DAM Foundation and is a cooperation between The Norwegian Council for Mental Health (NCMH) and PROMENTA research group

Bildet kan inneholde: datamaskin, personlig datamaskin, laptop, lilla, menneskelig.
Undervisningen er heldigital og krever ikke fysisk oppmøte. Fotoillustrasjon:


Bildet kan inneholde: fugl, skrift, sirkel, emblem, symbol.
Published Feb. 22, 2024 12:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2024 12:37 PM


Project leader 

Monica Beer Prydz