Psychology as a bridge between Norway and Russia

With the view of promoting cooperation in academic education and research between the Faculty of Psychology (MSU) and the Department of Psychology (UiO), the project “Psychology as a bridge between Norway & Russia” aims to create joint educational and research programmes by exchanging students, scholars and researchers.

Moscow State University. Photo: Gunnar Andre Malmin/ UiO

About the project

The main goals of the project are (1) to develop a new educational cooperation between the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo (UiO) and the Faculty of Psychology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) (Erasmus+ agreement), (2) to increase the quality of education at both institutions by incorporating cross-cultural knowledge and practices, (3) to increase the cross-Cultural competences among students and staff, and (4) to promote the mobility of students, administrative and academic staffs between the two universities.


The project will be a unique opportunity for students, administrative and academic staffs to learn and exchange about different education and research traditions as well as cultural values and practices. This project will be the first step towards the development of Joint Master and Ph.D. degrees in Psychology between UiO and MSU (Erasmus Mundus). It will strengthen the knowledge cooperation and, therefore, will be the source of new education and research collaborations between UiO and MSU and other institutions in Norway and Russia. This project will also contribute to the mutual understanding of the Cultural differences and similarities between Norway and Russia.

For PhD and Academic staff

The project offers a rich opportunity for non-permanent and permanent academic staff for creating research and teaching collaboration by spending 1-2 weeks at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). The experience can provide an exchange about different education, research and cultural practices between Norway and Russia.

  • Teaching in existing courses and research collaboration
  • Your teaching hours at MSU will count in your work duty account (up to 50 hrs)
  • Travel, accommodation and per diem expenses will be covered for up to two weeks

How to apply: Send a short autobiography (half a page) summarizing your current research and teaching interests to Francisco Pons and Karine Viana.

For students

The project offers scholarship to bachelor, clinical and master students for spending 5 months in Moscow attending courses in Psychology and Russian culture at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). It is a great opportunity for experiencing different education, research and cultural traditions.


Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) 2018 - 2020.


The project is a collaboration between Department of Psychology (UiO) and the Faculty of Psychology (MSU).

Published Dec. 4, 2018 4:07 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2023 7:06 AM


Project Coordinator UiO: Francisco Pons 

Assistant Project Coordinator Karine Viana

Departmental International Coordinator Gunnar Malmin