Psychobiology and social cognition: Findings from Brazil

You are invited to the first seminar connected to the project “Psychology without borders: new horizons for teaching and research collaboration between Norway and Brazil”

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Welcome and Presentation of the bilateral agreement between Norway and Brazil, Karine Porpino Viana, Postdoc HUP-UiO, coordinator of the project Psychology without borders


Studies on Social Cognition at UNIFESP-São Paulo: integration of behavioral data and biological parameters in life span and clinical pathological conditions, Claudia Berlim, Head of Department of Psychobiology - UNIFESP, Professor and Neuropsychologist




Integrating physiological measures with qualitative and quantitative estimates in social cognition studies, Mariana Cardoso, Professor and Biomedical Engineer, UNIFESP



Our two guest lecturers will present the possibility of integrating physiological measures, such as heart rate, skin conductance, skin temperature, and eye tracking, with qualitative and quantitative estimates in social cognition studies in order to verify if there are biomarkers related to behavior, including studies with Autism Spectrum Disorder that integrated these measures and others related to hyperscanning.

Please, fill in this short Nettskjema if you are planning to attend the seminar (either fully or partially).

Takk. Obrigada. Thank you!

Published May 4, 2022 5:39 PM - Last modified May 5, 2022 3:50 PM