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Work-life dynamics and development (completed)

— a longitudinal study

What promotes a positive work environment? Photo illustration:

About the project

This study will explore how employee related work-behaviors develop over time, and, how these are affected by change in concepts as leadership, HR, and organizational change.

In addition, the dynamics and development of the employment relationship will be examined.


The main goal of this research project is to develop theory on the dynamics and development of employees’ work-related behavior, attitudes and well-being, and the employment relationship. The longitudinal approach has the opportunity to describe change over time, and to empirically state the static or dynamic nature of related concepts.

The Project Group f.l. Professor Sabine Raeder, Ph.D Candidate Felix Anker Klein and Research Assistant Kristine Strand Støren. Photo: Lasse Moer/ UiO

In addition, longitudinal methods gives the opportunity to test for causality from factors as organizational change, leadership, and HR-strategy.

The project also aims to discover success factors that have positive outcomes for employee behaviors, attitudes and well-being.


Research within the field of work and organizational psychology makes little use of research methods that can examine the development and dynamics of employee work-behavior, attitudes and well-being. The majority of the research has used methods that only measure these concepts at one time.

This study with its 12 measurements, is therefore original and will increase our knowledge in the research field and practice of work and organizational psychology.


This research project takes a quantitative approach with a short net-based survey. The scales included in the survey fulfills scientific requirements of reliability.

The research is longitudinal and will gather data at 12 measurement waves during a year. In addition, the two-level nature of the research model will be taken into consideration to avoid unnecessary bias and measurement errors.

This research intends to generalize on behalf of a wider work-life context, and thus, seeks to gather data from employees in both the private and public sector, and within a broad category of occupations.

The sample includes employees of all genders working either full-time or part-time. Leaders can also participate in this research project.


This research project has been approved by Norsk Senter for Forskningsdata (NSD), and therefore follows the national norms for ethical conduct in research.

The data that is collected is on work related behavior and motivation, which in general address few ethical concerns. Data will be made anonymous automatically when participants submit the net-based survey.

The results from the survey will be presented anonymously on this web page and later in the doctoral dissertation.

Published June 15, 2016 12:37 PM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2021 11:31 AM


  • Sabine Raeder University of Oslo
  • Felix Anker Klein University of Oslo
  • Kristina Strand Støren University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants