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Recruitment of PSI candidates to the Program for Young Research Leaders

The Program for Young Research Leaders (YFL)* has five places for outstanding PSI candidates.

*"Young" means "young at heart."

The program is a collaboration between the psychology sections at UiO, NTNU, UiT and UiB. Every institution is responsible for one gathering each. The Faculty of Psychology, UiB, is the program coordinator. 

Target audience, ambition and the application process

The target audience is early-career researchers of any age employed at PSI, with some knowledge of developing applications and working on projects. The applicant should have some experience in leadership/management and be motivated to participate in the programme.  

The applicant should be a permanent staff member, with a minimum of a 50% position, from 1. October 2023 to 31. December 2024. Applicants in temporary roles (researchers and postdocs) can apply, but the department prioritises those with permanent positions. Applicants should lead a research project or will be expected to do so shortly. 

The programme aims to offer outstanding researchers the possibility to develop as research leaders, strengthen their chances to receive national and international funding and build excellent networks. Please note that candidates on the programme must 1) participate in all the gatherings and 2) work on (a) large(r) application for external funding in the course of the programme period. 

The PSI Departmental Leader Team chooses the candidates and will consider a balance between gender and experience.

Please apply by using nettskjema. The application deadline is 20. June 2023, and the aim is to invite candidates to interviews before the summer. 


The dates of the planned gatherings are:

21. - 23. November 2023: Introductory seminar

7. - 8. February 2024, UiO: Career planning – you as a research leader

24. - 25. April 2024, NTNU: Communication and Research strategy

11. - 12. September 2024, UiT: Research group leadership and networking

13. - 14. November 2024, UiB: External financing

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Aino Rinhaug in the Research Administration.

Published June 1, 2023 9:12 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2024 1:45 PM