What is Open Science

Open Science is an umbrella term for a diversity of aims and practices to increase the transparency, trustworthiness, reliability, and ultimately the societal impact of research (including increasing the accessibility to research and improving user participation).

Historically, many of these practices have been developed in response to the replication crisis, which uncovered that many quantitative and hypothetico-deductive studies do not replicate.

Figure 1. UNESCO policy for Open Science (source: UNESCO, 2021)
Figure 1. UNESCO policy for Open Science (source: UNESCO, 2021)

Definition of open science

  • In our view, Open Science practices can be considered as tools that researchers can adaptively use for their project and subdiscipline.

Origins of open science

  • The “Replication Crisis” in psychology.
  • The need for global collaboration and collective efforts to deal with complex societal challenges.

Open Science Practice

Open Science practices can take on many forms. For example, Open Science Norway (2022), strongly focuses on access to science and open publishing and thus to make science available for everyone. To achieve the aim of (re)creating trust in science, additional measures are of crucial importance during the research process which pertain to good research practices, and particularly to supporting a culture of transparency, openness, and honesty towards other researchers and the public and to maximizing the public benefit and avoiding resource waste.

Following on from this, Open Science practices broadly include:

  • Transparency and reflexivity in the research process
  • Open data – Sharing research data
  • Open material – Sharing research material
  • Open access publishing
  • Using open source software
  • Open peer review, whereby the reviewers are disclosed in the review process together with the reviews they provided
  • Open educational resources (such as those by Stefan et al., 2023, which we partially used in creating this report)

Here you can find a guide on open science practices (in quantitative research) ordered by level of difficulty: Kathawalla et al (2021)


Why should we follow open science practices? 

Published May 3, 2024 4:31 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 9:40 AM