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Arrangementer - Side 5

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus, Moltke Moes vei 39

Clinical trials are essential to develop new treatments. What are the fundamental issues that must be considered when designing clinical trials? What are the pitfalls? What are the dos and don’ts?

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom 6, Harald Schjelderups hus

How should we understand positive personality development across the lifespan?

Tid og sted: , Frederik Holst Hus

The theme of this years Global Mental Health Day is 'Global Psychiatry and Neurology - the new number one burden of disease'. The seminar will feature eminent experts from Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A, 0373 Oslo

Is educational success already determined at birth?

Tid og sted: , seminar room 3, Harald Schjelderups hus, Forskningsveien 3A

Parents provide both genes and environments for their children. The first proMENTA seminar will have four speakers on intergenerational transmission of risk, with a special focus on how to study this in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study.

Tid og sted: , Messukeskus, Helsinki

UiO:Life Science is the co-organizer of a pitching competition for life science pre-startups and early phase startups in Helsinki  in December. The event is part of at the SLUSH side-event Y Science. A SPARK Norway team is among the finalists!

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, ground floor, Klaus Torgårds vei 3

All who want to join the application process for funding of interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – have to join at least one  workshop in September. The registration deadline is 22 August.

Tid og sted: , Sogn Arena, ground floor, Klaus Torgårds vei 3

All who want to join the application process for funding of interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – have to join at least one  workshop in September. The registration deadline is 22 August.

Tid og sted: , Tøyen Hovedgård, Botanical Gardens, Oslo

What are the special risks and needs of Children Born of War (CBOW)?

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science´s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science´s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science´s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, auditorium 2

Do you want to join the application process in 2018/2019 for funding of new interdisciplinary research groups in life sciences? Then you should sign up for one of UiO:Life Science´s meetings in the end of May.

Tid og sted: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vær med på en psykologisk helaften med presentasjoner i Pecha Kucha formatet (20 slides à 20 sekunder)! 

Mer informasjon finner du her.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus

– Program 17th February 2017

For researchers at UiO and the surroundings that will be impacted by the planned life science building at UiO.

Tid og sted: , Undervisningsrom 2, Georg Sverdrups hus

Welcome to an open lecture by professor Aaron Seitz from the University of California Riverside, on working memory training!

Tid og sted: , Psykologisk Institutt

It is time for another seminar and dinner for the Fellows at the Department of Psychology!  

April 30th

Seminar: 9:00-12:00 @ Psykologisk Institutt

Dinner: 18:00-24:00

Tid og sted: , Escape, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus (IFI)

Vil du vite mer om hva slags forskning Psykologisk Institutt driver med? På under syv minutter forteller våre forskere deg hva de brenner for.

Tid og sted: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 2

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?

Tid og sted: , Psykologisk Institutt, Seminar room 2

Does the thought of doing media interviews or communicating your research to a general public make your palms a little sweaty?  

The young research staff at the department are generally apprehensive about talking to the media, in fear of not being correct or not feeling like "experts" in their own fields yet.

However scary it may be, we all need to face these fears at some point, after all, what is the point of research if no-one learns from it but you?