Foruten en rekke konferansebidrag har samarbeidsprosjektet til nå resultert i følgende publikasjoner

Ommundsen, R. & Larsen, K.S. (1997). Attitudes toward Illegal Aliens: The reliability and validity of a Likert-type scale. The Journal of Social Psychology, 137, 665-667.

Ommundsen, R. & Larsen, K.S. (1999). Attitudes toward illegal immigration in Scandinavia and United States. Psychological Reports, 84, 1331-1338.

Ommundsen, R., van der Veer, K.,Mørch, S., Hak, T. & Larsen.,K.S  (2002). Attitudes toward illgal immigration: A cross-national methodological comparison. The Journal of Psychology, 136, 103-110.

Van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., Hak, T., & Larsen, K.S. (2003). Meaning shift of items in different language versions. A cross-national validation study of the Illegal Aliens Scale. Quality & Quantity, 37, 193-206.

Van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., Larsen.,K.S., Le Van, H., Krumov, K., Pernice, R., & Romans, G.P. (2004). Structure of attitudes toward illegal immigration: Development of cross-national cumulative scales. Psychological Reports, 94, 897-906.

Hak, T., van der Veer, K. & Ommundsen, R. (2006). An application of the Three-Step Test-Interview (TSTI): A validation study of the Dutch and Norwegian versions of the ”illegal Aliens Scale”. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 9, 215-227.

Ommundsen, R., Larsen, K, van der Veer, K., Van Le, H., & Krumov, K. (2007). Developing attitude statements toward illegal immigration: transcultural reliability and utility. Psychological Reports, 100, 901-914.

Van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., Krumov, K., Le Van, H., & Larsen, K.S.(2007). Scale devlopment to measure attitudes toward unauthorized migration into a foreign country. Journal of Education, (1) 92-100. (ISSN 0861475X). (The article is in Cyrillic alphabet).

Krumov, K., Atanassova, M., Larsen, K., Ommundsen, R., van der Veer, K., Schneider, J.F., Hiber, K., Ivanova, D., Hristova, P., & Ivanova, S. (2007/2008).Cultural change as a motivating factor for migration behaviour in the sending countries. Zeitschrift für Sozial Mangagement, 5, (1/2), 114-123. (Erratum published in  2008, vol. 6 (1), 161-162.

Van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., Krumov, K., Van Le, H., & Larsen, K. (2008). Scale development to measure attitudes toward undocumented migration.. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 357-363.

Pernice, R., van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., & Larsen, K. (2008). On the use of student samples for scale construction Psychological Reports, 102, 459-464.

Larsen, K., Krumov, K., Van Le, H., Ommundsen, R., van der Veer, K. (2009).Threat perception and attitudes toward documented and undocumented immigrants in the United States: Framing the debate and conflict resolution. European Journal of Social Sciences, 7 (4), 115-135.

Ommundsen, R.. van der Veer, K., Krumov, K., Larsen, K., Hristova, P., Ivanova, S., Ivanova, D. &. Georgieva, D.(2009) Illegal immigration behaviour: Factors and prediction possibilities. Bulgarian Journal of psychology, 1-2, p 13-30. (In Cyrillic).

Phelps, J.M., Türken, S., Eilertsen, D.-E., & Ommundsen, R. (2011). Integrating immigrant minorities: Developing a scale to measure majority members’ attitudes toward their own proactive efforts. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 52, 404-410.

Ommundsen, R., van der Veer, K., Krumov, K., Hristova, P., Ivanova, S., Ivanova, D., & Larsen, K.S.(2010). Attitudinal predictors of potential illegal cross-border migration. The Open Journal of Social Science, 3, 60-67.

Van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., & Yakushko, O. (2011).  Cross-National Fear-Based Measure of Xenophobia: Development of a Cumulative Scale. Psychological Reports, 109(1), 27-42.

Van der Veer, K., Ommundsen, R., Yakushko, O., Higler, L., & Woelders, S., & Hagen, K. (2013). Psychometrically and qualitatively validating a cross-national measure of fear-based xenophobia. Quality & Quantity, 47, 1429-1444. (Published online 01 September 2011. DOI 10.1007/s11135-011-9599-6).

Phelps, J.M., Ommundsen, R, Türken, S., & Ulleberg, P. (2012). Intergroup perception and majority integration attitudes. Social Psychology. DOI:10.1027/1864-9335/a000194.

Van der Veer, K., , O., Higler, L., & Woelders, S.,  Ommundsen, R., & Pernice, R. (xxxx). Developing and validating a cross-national cumulative scale measuring attitudes toward illegal immigrants. International Journal of Social research Methodology, 1-15, iFirst Article;

Ommundsen, R., , Van der Veer, K., Yakushko, O., & Ulleberg, P.(2013). Exploring the relationships between fear-based xenophobia, social contact, and perceptions of out-group entitativity in Norway. Psychological Reports, 112, 109-124.