Utvalgte publikasjoner - siste fem år

Laeng, B., Ørbo, M., Holmlund, T., & Miozzo, M. (in press). Pupillary Stroop effects.
Cognitive Processing.

Laeng, B., Okubo, M., Saneyoshi, A., & Michimata, C. (in press). Processing spatial relations
with different apertures of attention. Cognitive Science.

Stylianou-Korsnes, M., Reiner, M., Magnussen, S. & Feldman, M.W. (2010) visual recognition of shapes and textures: an fMRI study. Brain Structure and Function, in press.

Okubo, M., Laeng, B., Saneyoshi, A., & Michimata, C. (2010). Exogenous attention differentially modulates the processing of categorical and coordinate spatial relations. Acta Psychologica, 135, 1-11.

Hellige, J., Laeng, B., & Michimata, C. (2010). Processing asymmetries in the visual system.
In K. Hugdahl and R. Westerhausen (editors), The two halves of the brain: Information processing in the cerebral hemispheres, pp.379-415. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Vogt, S. E. & Magnussen, S. (2010). Eye movements, memory and visual expertise. In M. Greenlee, C. Wagner & C. Wolff (Eds). Aisthesis. Wahrnehmungsprozesse und Visualisierungsformen in Kunst undTechnik. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner Verlag, 2009 (Regensburger Studien zur Kunstgeschichte; Bd. 12), in press.

Magnussen, S. (2009). Implicit visual working memory Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50, 535-542.

Magnussen, S., Greenlee, M.W., Baumann, O. & Endestad, T. (2009). Visual perceptual memory – anno 2008. In L. Bäckman & L. Nyberg (Eds). Memory, aging and the brain (pp. 53-75) Hove, UK: Psychology Press.

Baumann, O., Endestad, T., Magnussen, S. & Greenlee, M.W. (2008) Delayed discrimination of spatial frequency for gratings of different orientation: Behavioral and fMRI evidence for low-level perceptual memory stores in early visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 188, 363-369.

Rothmayr, C., Baumann, O., Endestad, T., Rutschmann, R.M., Magnussen, S. & Greenlee, M.W. (2007). Dissociation of neural correlates of verbal and non-verbal visual working memory with different delays. Behavioral and Brain Function, 3, 56, ( doi:10.1186/1744-9081-3-56).

Vogt, S.E. & Magnussen, S. (2007). Expertise in pictorial perception: Eye movement patterns and visual memory in artists and laymen. Perception, 36, 91-100.

Vogt, S.E. & Magnussen, S. (2007). Long-term memory for 400 pictures on a common theme. Experimental Psychology, 54, 298-303.

Laeng, B., Waterloo, K., Johnsen, S.H., Bakke, S.J., Låg, T., Simonsen, S.S., & Høgsæt, J.
(2007). The eyes remember it: Oculography and pupillometry during recollection in three
amnesic patients. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19:11, 1888-1904.

Laeng, B., Øvervoll, M., & Steinsvik, O.O. (2007). Remembering 1500 pictures: The right
hemisphere remembers better than the left. Brain & Cognition, 63, 105-113.

Spillmann, L., Otte, T., Hamburger, K. & Magnussen, S. (2006). Perceptual filling-in from the edge of the blind spot. Vision Research, 46, 4252-4257.

Publisert 14. okt. 2010 10:09