Human ability to control behaviour

The ability to flexibly adapt behaviour in response to sudden changes in environmental demands is crucial to an organism’s survival. Inhibitory control, i.e., the ability to withhold responses, is part of higher cognitive functions that support such regulation of goal-directed behaviour. How do humans stop an already initiated action and what influences this ability? 

About the project

This project is an empirical study that currently involves two master students and two post docs. Professor René Huster is the principal investigator. 

In this project, we investigate how individuals control behaviour and withhold responses when necessary. We want to recruit healthy right-handed participants for this study. We would like you to complete a computer-based task while we measure your brain activity with electroencephalography (EEG). In addition, we will measure muscle activity in your hands with electromyography (EMG) and collect some basic demographic information about you, such as age, gender, and handedness. EEG and EMG will be applied concurrently while you are doing the computer-based experiment. EEG is considered a safe, non-invasive method and is one of the standard tools used in clinical diagnostics and brain research (for more information, please see the attached Participant Information Sheet). The whole session will last about 2 hours (1-hour preparation and 1-hour experimental task) and take place at the Psychological Institute at University of Oslo. Participants receive a universal gift card worth 300 NOK as compensation. 

Participant Information Sheet - this document provides a more detailed overview of the study, including information about confidentiality, procedures, and methods. 

Study Questionnaire - this is the questionnaire we will use to ensure you are eligible to participate in this study. Please read through this to assess your own eligibility. 

Consent form - we will ask you to sign this consent form on the day of the testing.


Contact information

Please do not hesitate to contact Oda van Jole if you wish to participate or have any questions about the project. Email:  

Publisert 6. des. 2021 12:48 - Sist endret 5. mars 2024 15:00


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