From interest to engagement – motivations to engage or not engage in political actions for the climate or gender equality issues

Fridays for future, Black Lives Matter, abortion rights marches - recently, there has been a sparked interest in political topics, yet even though the world has witnessed a rise in protests, overall political participation besides voting remains rare. Why do some people decide not to engage even though they find the topics important? Why do others participate in political actions, sometimes willing to sacrifice their own health? How do people incorporate activist engagement into their lives?

About the project

The project is a qualitative study that is part of a larger study investigating motivations at different levels of political engagement and inaction. The larger project is conducted by the Departments of Psychology at the Jagiellonian University (Poland) and the University of Oslo (Norway), which is jointly led by Dr. Katarzyna Jásko and Dr. Jonas R. Kunst respectively.

We aim to recruit people living in Norway and Poland who are aged 18 or above and interested OR politically engaged (e.g., through activism) in either feminist or climate issues. Participants who want to join the study will take part in an interview that will last between 45-90 minutes and will be remunerated with a gift voucher of 400 NOK for their interview participation. Interviews will be conducted in person or via Zoom. Precautions will be taken to adhere to the government’s recommendations to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Participation is voluntary. Interviews in Norway will be led by Phd student Ann-Cathrin Coenen under the supervision of Dr. Jonas R. Kunst and Dr. Milan Obaidi. During the interview, you will be asked to talk about your interest in either climate or gender equality issues and if applicable your engagement, as well as other parts of your life. For clarification, we will also ask you to make some basic sketches (i.e., a map) about how different parts of your life interact.

All interviews will be anonymized by the joint research team after data collection. Interview materials will be presented anonymously in potential international research articles or conferences. The processing of your personal data is based on your consent and you can withdraw your consent at any time without providing a reason. In that case, we will anonymize or delete your data depending on your request. The project was approved by NSD – the Norwegian Centre for Research Data AS and the Internal Review Board at the Department of Psychology.

Interested? For more information, please read our information letter.

Want to participate? Please sign up here:

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Publisert 17. feb. 2022 14:14 - Sist endret 6. mars 2024 09:27


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