Familial consequences of alcohol use in the general population

Fartein Ask Torviks doktoravhandling viser at eit høgt alkoholkonsum blant foreldre heng saman både med skils-misser og med atferdsproblem hos ungdom. Kor mykje mødrer drikk har mest å seie.

Fartein Ask Torvik disputerte ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO, 2. november. Foto: Privat


Family members of alcohol abusers are known to be at risk for a range of unfavourable outcomes, for example conduct problems and marital conflict. This thesis investigates school adjustment among adolescent children of alcohol abusers, the prospective association between heavy drinking and divorce, and the representativeness of a general population sample regarding alcohol use. All inhabitants in Nord-Trøndelag aged 20 years or older were invited to take part in the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT 1) in 1984-1986 (N=77,230), and in a 1995-1997 (HUNT 2) follow up (N=65,216). The second wave also included adolescents aged 13-19 years (N=8,984). This study has several methodological advantages, such as high generalizability, multiple responders in each family, and a range of covariates available.

Publisert 5. nov. 2012 09:24 - Sist endret 14. nov. 2017 11:06