Living happily

– Exploring the role of close relationships, having a child, and life stressors on stability and change in life satisfaction.

Stipendiat Gunvor Marie Dyrdal disputerte 25. oktober ved PSI. Foto: Privat

Blir ein meir nøgd med livet etter ein har fått barn? Ja, men ikkje i særleg meir enn to år. Det er eit av funna i Gunvor Marie Dyrdals doktoravhendling om korleis ulike livshendingar påverkar lykkekjensla.


The thesis explores how satisfaction with life and satisfaction with one’s partner change, both during pregnancy, and as a consequence of becoming parents. Furthermore, the thesis explores how life satisfaction is affected by the experience of ten different life events. Data is taken from two large longitudinal panel studies; paper I (N = 67,355 ) and paper III (N = 48,032) uses data from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa), and paper II (N = 3,672) the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (GSOEP). Statistical analyses include regression analyses, structural equation modeling, and hierarchical multi-level modeling techniques

Publisert 2. nov. 2012 10:44 - Sist endret 22. feb. 2024 09:54