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Published Nov. 11, 2021 11:11 PM

In brain scans of almost 1500 people throughout Europe, researchers of the Lifebrain consortium found that people with “older-looking” brains had both lower birth weight and genes for smaller brains, compared with those with normal ageing brains.

Both these factors are present early in life, indicating that your “brain age” is mostly related to early life influences and not so much on events that happen later in life. 

Published Aug. 31, 2021 10:46 AM

People want clear, evidence-based information about exactly which lifestyle changes can improve their brain health, according to a new report from the Lifebrain consortium at the University of Oslo.

Publisert 24. aug. 2021 16:00

Måndag 23. august møtte HF-studentar opp til den første fysiske førelesinga i det engelskspråklege kurset «Introduction to audiovisual aesthetics» på Institutt for media og kommunikasjon. Det var første gong det heller ikkje var noko krav om at studentane måtte halda seg 1 meter frå kvarandre.