MAKS Section Strategy

1. Scientific impact: Relevant and rigorous research at the forefront of work and organizational psychology, culture and community psychology, and social psychology. This is bolstered by our extensive expertise and support in research methodology. Our research aimed to develop new knowledge on current societal and organizational challenges and to strengthen the knowledge in established research areas. We work on continuously improving the quality, rigor, and transparency of our research. For research using quantitative methods, we do this through fostering advanced statistical, psychometric, and open science practices. For qualitative research, this means building a supportive environment for gaining competence in rigorously applying methods, cooperating on projects, and being transparent and reflective about the choices we make. For both, we maintain and continuously improve our research infrastructure for implementing innovative research paradigms, collecting, handling, and storing data as open as possible, as closed as necessary, in collaboration with PSI research administration and UiO services. We also host a working group to facilitate the implementation of Open Science practices.

2. Societal impact: Help solve societal challenges as defined by the sustainability goals (SDGs) with a particular focus on the Norwegian society and participate in democratic processes of educating the public and societal and political decision making. We foster active outreach by increasing our competence in dissemination and outreach, with a particular emphasis on junior colleagues, through workshops, feedback, and supervision programs. We disseminate, for example through social media, press releases, interviews with journalists, podcasts, or talks and books for the public. We provide our expert opinion, e.g., in public consultations, and use our expertise to support practitioners of psychology working on the SDGs nationally and internationally.

3. Teaching and research: Build an active research group and deliver high quality, research-based teaching in all our study programs. All members of the group shall be able to conduct own research through having a low-threshold internal research funding opportunity and through infrastructure support available to all researchers. Our teaching aims at introducing students to new research developments and building their knowledge based on scientific standards. Our hiring processes, from announcement to hiring, reflect our teaching and research needs, and are designed to attract scholars with a track record and ambitions in these two areas (plus outreach and service). We provide training in research methods and in pedagogy and provide opportunities for continuous learning. Buyouts can reduce teaching duties by 50%.

4. Research financing: Gain competitive research funding. We work closely with PSI's research administration to be supported in finding calls, building networks, and preparing competitive and realistic research projects. We train and encourage junior colleagues in gaining competence and experience in grant writing. We promote mutual support, collaboration, and feedback.

5. Healthy workplace and sustainable careers: Foster wellbeing, inclusion, and support successful and sustainable research career development. At MAKS, we are dedicated to nurturing wellbeing and cohesion thorough diversity, inclusion, and psychological safety. We prioritize also non-academic activities at our section that aim at making MAKS an attractive and friendly workplace that helps regenerating individual resources through social and physical activities. We work with career development at MAKS, helping each other make choices that best align career opportunities with our own interests and career building activities. We support vertical career plans in academia through opportunities for leadership training and career moves, and lateral career plans through building and maintaining networks with practitioners to enable career moves between academia and other sectors.


Publisert 5. des. 2023 13:12 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2024 18:34