Linn Vathne Lervik


Finansiering og samarbeid

The current PhD project is part of the larger research project “Randomized controlled trial of “Prompt Mental Health Care (PMHC)”, which is funded by the Norwegian research council’s (NFR) research program on High-quality and Reliable Diagnostics, Treatment and Rehabilitation (BEHANDLING)

The PhD project adresses implementation factors and mechanisms of impact in the context of Prompt Mental Health Care (In Norwegian: Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp).

Akademiske interesser

  • Psychotherapy research, process and outcome in CBT, depression and anxiety
  • Evaluation
  • Clinical work psychology


  • Licenced psychologist/cand.psychol from the University of Bergen 
  • Specialisation in clinical work psychology
  • Trained cognitive behavioural therapist educated from The Norwegian Association for Cognitive Therapy


Affiliated with Norwegian Institute of Public health, Department for Health promotion.

Fant ingen resultater i Cristin

Publisert 13. mars 2020 15:07 - Sist endret 15. apr. 2020 10:06