Evelin Gerda Lindner

Bilde av Evelin Gerda Lindner
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Besøksadresse Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Faglige interesser

  • Kultur- og samfunnspsykologi

  • Sosialpsykologi

  • Klinisk psykologi

  • Intergrupperelasjoner og intergruppekonflikt

  • Sosial identitet

  • Identitetspolitikk og nasjonalisme

  • Politisk ledelse

  • Framing

  • Kvalitativ metode

  • Transkulturelle og transdisiplinære studier

  • Globale studier



PSY4506 - Human Rights, Democracy and Reconstruction after Conflict; A community based approach


Evelin Lindner ble utdannet psykolog i 1978 og tok deretter legestudiet, uteksaminert 1984. Hennes doktoravhandling i medisin (1994) ved Universitetet i Hamburg i Tyskland var en tverrkulturell utforskning innen livskvalitetsstudier, basert på hennes erfaring som klinisk psykolog og psykoterapeut i Kairo, Egypt (1984–1991).

I sin doktorgradsavhandling i sosialpsykologi (2001) ved Psykologisk institutt ved Universitetet i Oslo studerte hun relevansen av ydmykelsesdynamikken for krig og folkemord. Kasusstudier var Rwanda og Somalia, med Nazi-Tyskland som bakgrunns referanse. Fra denne avhandlingen vokste et transdisiplinært akademisk felt frem, kalt Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS, www.humiliationstudies.org). Evelin Lindner har utviklet dette feltet akademisk siden 2001 gjennom egen forskning og publisering knyttet til verdighet, ære og ydmykelse, og ved å samle et globalt nettverk av interesserte akademikere og praktikere.

I sitt forfatterskap forsøker hun å forstå kjernebudskapene til ulike akademiske felt og deretter bringe disse budskapene sammen og rekonstruere dem fra et perspektiv av verdighet og ydmykelse. Så langt har hun gjort dette med krig, folkemord og terrorisme (2000, 2017), internasjonal konflikt (2006 og 2009, oversatt til kinesisk i 2019), kjønn og sikkerhet (2010), og økonomi (2012, oversatt til brasiliansk- portugisisk i 2016).

Se en fullstendig biografi ved www.humiliationstudies.org



Emneord: Avdeling for metode arbeids- kultur- og sosialpsykologi, Kultur- og samfunnspsykologi, Sosialpsykologi, Klinisk psykologi


Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022) From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity. Foreword by Howard Richards. World Dignity University Press. ISBN 978-1-952292-00-2. 1016 s.

Sammendrag: The book From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity is unique in that it widens the concept of academic work by combining what usually is separate, namely, scholarly work and lived experience. The book came into being in the course of the author’s many decades of working with dignity in all parts of the world.
In the face of global crises, the book takes a step back to evaluate humanity’s situation in its larger historical context, and, equipped with the insights from this evaluation, makes suggestions for a roadmap into a future of global dignity in solidarity.

Richards, Howard, Evelin Gerda Lindner, and Catherine Odora Hoppers (2018). Following Foucault: The Trail of the Fox. AFRICAN SUN MeDIA. ISBN 978-1-928357-62-9. 277 s.

Sammendrag: Lectures by Howard Richards with dialogues among Evelin Lindner, Howard Richards, and Catherine Odora Hoppers. Foreword by Crain Soudien (CEO of the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa) and an Introduction by Magnus Haavelsrud. See a review by Lance Wheatley (2019). "Following Foucault: the trail of the fox." In Journal of Critical Realism, 1–6, doi: 10.1080/14767430.2019.1614804.

Hartling, Linda Margaret, and Evelin Gerda Lindner (2017). “Toward a Globally Informed Psychology of Humiliation: Comment on McCauley.” In American Psychologist, 72 (7), 705–06. doi: 10.1037/amp0000188.

Svar til: McCauley, Clark (2017). "Toward a Psychology of Humiliation in Asymmetric Conflict." In American Psychologist, 72 (3, Special Issue: Psychology of Terrorism), 255–65. doi: 10.1037/amp0000063.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2017). Honor, Humiliation, and Terror: An Explosive Mix – And How We Can Defuse It with Dignity. World Dignity University Press. ISBN 978-1-937570-97-2. 860 s.

Sammendrag: Humankind has reached a boiling point. Violence, hatred, and terror have become deeply entangled with honor, heroism, glory, loyalty, and love. Over the past five percent of modern human history on planet Earth, roughly the past ten millennia, human activity has reached a crescendo of rapid and ruthless competition for domination, a fight for power over people and the planet, where "might" has become "right." Within this context, a dangerous culture of honor has evolved, in which destruction is mercilessly merged with love: “It is my duty, if I love my people, to heroically destroy our enemies and secure all resources for us,” underwritten by an ominous motto: "If you want peace, prepare for war." Humanity has haphazardly constructed an entire world-system on top of this merger, holding the whole world hostage through never-ending cycles of domination and humiliation. The consequence, today, is the ubiquitous destruction of human and environmental life on this planet. Terror and terrorism are the tools of a twisted honor system that should alert us to the mounting danger while we still have a window of opportunity for change. With this book, the author encourages us to recognize the immense historic opportunity that is open to us in the wake of these dangerous times. Drawing on 40 years of research gathered on her personal path of living globally, she calls us to action in service of restoring and replenishing the health of human arrangements of relationships, emphasizing the lifesaving necessity of mutually dignifying cooperation. When we overcome the legacy of honor and terror together, in mutual respect, we can address the social and environmental crises of our time and the terror these developments foment. This book is a breathtaking, globally informed account of how humanity can reverse the rising tide of terror, making dignity our destiny and legacy… before it is too late.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2012). A Dignity Economy: Creating an Economy that Serves Human Dignity and Preserves Our Planet. World Dignity University Press. ISBN: 978-1-937570-03-3. 429 s.

Sammendrag: Economic crises have many labels, ranging from "subprime crisis" to "credit crunch," to "financial tsunami" or "economic Armageddon." Around the world, people are coming to a single diagnosis: "Something is deeply unhealthy in our world." This book advocates a deep paradigm shift, not just from one rigid paradigm to another rigid paradigm, but away from rigidity altogether. Away from massive institutions toward a global movement that is co-created by people and their enthusiastic energy. We need a dignity revolution, and not just in Tunisia or Egypt. Now we need a global dignity revolution, a world dignity movement, a movement that creates inclusion, both locally and globally.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2016). Por uma Economia Digna (A Dignity Economy). Translated by & Fatiha Parahyba. Editora da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. eISBN 978-1-937570-04-0. 375 s.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2010). Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security: Dignifying Relationships from Love, Sex, and Parenthood to World Affairs. Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Praeger, ABC-CLIO. ISBN: 0-313-35485-5. 305 s.

Denne boken ble "sterkt anbefalt" ("highly recommended") av Choice i juli 2010 (Choice er en publikasjon fra Association of College & Research Libraries (ACR), en avdeling av American Library Association). Se www.abc-clio.com/products/c8030c/:
In this far-ranging, sometimes brilliant book, Lindner (Columbia Univ. and Oslo Univ.) studies the social and political ramifications of human violations and world crises related to humiliation, defined as the enforced lowering of a person or group, a process of subjugation that harms or removes the dignity, pride, and honour of the other. A ‘transdisciplinary social scientist’, the author charts how humiliation — and its antidote, love — are conditioned by large-scale, systemic social forces such as globalization. The force of this book resides in its construction of a compelling, compassionate alternative to the psychological effects of humiliation on gender and sexual relations, parenthood, and leadership. For Lindner, this alternative is not only love but also its psychological correlate, humility, both of which can become the basis of the social, political, and cultural change necessary to reform the harmful global tendency toward humiliation. Lindner’s philosophy is avowedly non-dualist and rooted in ancient Eastern wisdom. A powerful follow up to her Making enemies: Humiliation and international conflict (CH, Mar’07, 44-4114), this book appears in the ‘Contemporary Psychology’ series; it will be indispensable for psychologists, humanists, and political scientists and invaluable to policy makers. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty and professionals. — M. Uebel, University of Texas.

Sammendrag: Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security: Dignifying Relationships from Love, Sex, and Parenthood to World Affairs aims at outlining the kind of change that needs to be made if we wish to create a less crisis-prone world. This audacious work describes a vision for an alternative future, showing how new approaches to love can dignify gender relations, sex, parenthood, and leadership, and how they can guide us to a world where all citizens can live dignified lives.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2009). Emotion and Conflict: How Human Rights Can Dignify Emotion and Help Us Wage Good Conflict. Praeger. ISBN: 978-0-313-37237-7. 267 s.

Sammendrag: This is a book about dignity and how realizing its promise can help improve the human condition at all levels – from micro to meso to macro levels. The book uses a broad historical lens that captures all of human history, from its hunter-gatherer origins to the promise of a globally united knowledge society in the future. It emphasizes the need to recognize and leave behind malign cultural, social, and psychological effects of the past. The book calls upon the world community, academics and lay people alike, to own up to the opportunities offered by increasing global interdependence.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2006). Making Enemies: Humiliation and International Conflict. Foreword by Morton Deutsch, Praeger Security International, Greenwood. ISBN 978-027599109-8. 248 s.

Denne boken ble æret som en av årets beste 500 akademiske publikasjoner i U.S.A. i 2007, hedret som "Outstanding Academic Title" av tidsskriftet Choice, karakterisert som en banebrytende bok. Se www.abc-clio.com/products/D2598C/:
This volume is a path-breaking work that skillfully explores the deeper intricacies between war and peacemaking from a social psychological lens. Lindner cogently argues that there is a strong relationship between humiliation and international conflict. She defines humiliation as "enforced lowering of a person or group, a process of subjugation that damages or strips away pride, honor or dignity." The analysis focuses on the humiliating effects of words and actions, and those related to incidents of violent conflicts. Specific incidents of humiliation discussed include the humiliation of the Hutu by a dominant Tutsi minority, which resulted in the 1994 Rwandan genocide; Germany's humiliating defeat in WW I made worse by the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles; and the placing of an American flag on a statue of Saddam Hussein after the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. In particular, the author concludes her very original work by arguing that in order to avoid the destructive effects of humiliation, it would be necessary to "marry globalization with egalization--equal dignity." The implication is that globalization, in its current form, is humiliating to many in the world. Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above. – Dr. Earl Conteh-Morgan, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620

Sammendrag: When the statue of Saddam Hussein fell and Iraqis danced on the body, hitting it with their shoes, there was joy. Moments later, when an American soldier climbed the statue to place an American flag on the face, there was a national gasp, a moment of humiliation for the Iraqis. Americans had claimed to be liberating them, but the placing of the American flag was a sign of conquest. The flag was quickly removed and replaced with an Iraqi flag, but those tense moments were a brief example of the power and potentially far-reaching, volatile effects of humiliating acts, even when unintentional.

Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2019). 树敌 : 侮辱与国际冲突 (Making Enemies: Humiliation and International Conflict). Translated by Lanzhi Liu. Foreign Languages Publishing Press. ISBN 978-7-119-11799-7. 258 s.

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·  En liste over foredrag og intervjuer er på www.humiliationstudies.org
·  Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity – The Corona Pandemic as Oppportunity in the Midst of Suffering. InterViews: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences. ISSN 2349-400X. 7(1). doi: 10.36061/IV.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity. World Dignity University Press. ISBN 978-1-952292-00-2. 1016 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Klempe, Sven Hroar (2024). Psykologi som grunnlag for den moderne vitenskapen.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda; Hartling, Linda Margaret & Bosio, Emiliano (2024). Evelin Lindner | Linda Hartling | Global Citizenship Education Interview Series with Emiliano Bosio. [Internett]. Tokyo.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2024). Walking the Talk of Peace in Dignity: Dialogue in the Global Village (Demonstration des „Globalen Dorfes“).
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2024). Dignity: Die Lösung für eine Welt ohne Kriege.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2024). From Humiliation to Dignity: Is a World Without War Possible?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2024). The Mission of Prince El Hassan bin Talal: Manifesting Equal Dignity in Global Solidarity — A Personal Homage. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2024). A Global Life Design: Reflections and a Chronological Description. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). What Is Love? What Is Peace? Is Domestic Chastisement Love? It Is Domestic Violence. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). The Urgency of Seeding Dignity: Coming Together During Difficult Times.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Hartling, Linda Margaret (2023). The Urgency of Seeding Dignity: Coming Together During Difficult Times.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). On the Path of My Father.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Health and Meaning in Its Interplay with Larger Social and Psychological Contexts: A Personal Experience. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Experiments in Movement Unity.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Logics of the Human Story: Contribution to the GTI Forum Big History and Great Transition.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). European Social Psychology and Its Responsibilities: Dignity and Humiliation.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation and Depression to Dignity: What Can We Do?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Alte Zöpfe abschneiden! / Cut old braids! (German and English).
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Å være menneskelig i en mørk tid.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). What Is a Dignity Economy?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Demütigung und Erniedrigung — Kreislauf, Sackgasse oder Ausweg daraus?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Humiliation and Dignity, Focusing on Rwanda.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Shame and Humiliation.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Domestic Chastisement to Domestic Violence.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Interpersonal Skills for Academicians.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Dignity at the Global Workplace.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation to Dignity: Interpersonal Skills for Academicians.
  • Rosen, David & Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). Rabbi David Rosen's Extraordinary Life Mission. [Internett]. Tel Aviv.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation to Dignity: Sharing Thoughts.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation to Dignity (English and Arabic).
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation to Dignity (English and Arabic).
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2023). From Humiliation to Dignity (English and Arabic).
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Sur le chemin de mon père. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Auf dem Weg meines Vaters. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). På min fars vei. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). On the Path of My Father. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Sunflower Identity: A Personal Note. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Saving relationships in our dignity community. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Solidarity with Animals.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). From Humiliation to Dignity: Intra-Faith and Inter-Faith Dialogue for a Future of Global Solidarity. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). From Humiliation to Dignity: The Power of Spirituality to Inspire System-Changing Creativity. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). From Humiliation to Dignity: From the Brink of Disaster to a Future of Global Dignity in Solidarity. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Bertet, Lola (2022). Evelin Gerda Lindner sur l'humiliation - Podcast Emotions avec Lola Bertet. [Internett]. podcast Émotions.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Comments on Nader Habibi’s article ‘The Belt and Road Initiative in the Eastern Mediterranean: China’s Relations with Egypt, Turkey, and Israel’. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Sarhan, Walid & Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Interview with Dr. Walid Sarhan About His Life Achievements. [Internett]. Amman, Jordan.
  • Sarhan, Walid & Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Interview with Dr. Walid Sarhan About HumanDHS. [Internett]. Amman, Jordan.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). From Humiliation to Dignity: From the Brink of Disaster to a Future of Global Dignity in Solidarity.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). The Interconnectivity of Crises: Learning Through the Lens of the Three Ecologies, Intellectual, Social, and Environmental.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Learning for a Dignified and Dignifying Future.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). De l’humiliation à la dignité : Pour un avenir de solidarité mondiale.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Support in preparation to 'Unity in Humanity? Where Two Hands Meet'.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Hartling, Linda Margaret (2022). Human Dignity and Humiliation Dialogue: An Interdisciplinary Seminar .
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). How Female Is Diplomacy?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda; Hartling, Linda Margaret & Spencer, Metta (2022). Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner on Metta Spencer's Talk Show, Episode 473. [Internett]. Metta Spencer's Talk Show.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Colloquium: From Humiliation to Dignity: Research since 1997 at the Department of Psychology.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda; Hartling, Linda Margaret & Smaldino, Carol (2022). The Human Climate: Carol Smaldino with Guest Evelin Lindner and Linda Hartling. [Internett]. Carol Smaldino’s The Human Climate.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2022). Humiliation and Dignity, Focusing on Rwanda.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). Humiliation and Dignity, Focusing on Rwanda.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). The History of the World Dignity University Idea.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). Stop Sociocide! Stop the Wearing Down of Our Sociosphere!
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Mieres, Rocío (2021). From humiliation to dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity – The Coronavirus Pandemic as Opportunity in the Midst of Suffering. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Responsible Global Solidarity.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). Offene Gesprächsrunde mit der Konfliktforscherin Evelin Lindner (Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies).
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). Can Human Solidarity Globalize?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). International Women’s Day on 8th March 2021: Reflections. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2021). Sexual Abuse of Children in the Context of Dignity and Humiliation.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Message of Appreciation for Peter Coleman, as He Was Honored with the 2020 HumanDHS Lifetime Commitment Award. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Message to the World (English, German/deutsch, Norwegian/norsk, French/français), 30 October 2020.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Message to the World (English, German/deutsch, Norwegian/norsk, French/français), 26 October 2020.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Hartling, Linda Margaret (2020). Message to the World from Linda Hartling and Evelin Lindner.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity — From a Virus Pandemic to a Pandemic of Dignity: How Can We Escape Complicity with Institutionalized Humiliation?
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity — A Meta-Narrative for Times of Radical Transformation.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity — Narratives in Times of Radical Transformation.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Heart-Talk on Transformation.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Message to the World (English, German/deutsch, Norwegian/norsk, French/français), 23 October 2020.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Hartling, Linda Margaret (2020). Human Dignity and Humiliation Dialogue.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Humiliation to Dignity: Future of Global Solidarity: IANS Interview with Evelin Lindner after the E-Conclave with Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar in Indore, India. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Der brennende Regenwald – und was wir damit zu tun haben.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). On Dignity and Humiliation: The Case of the Amazon Rainforest.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation: The Case of Rwanda.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Nach Corona: Ein neues Miteinander! Vergiftetes Klima: Hass und Umweltzerstörung, Demütigung und Terror, eine explosive Mischung – und wie wir sie mit Würde entschärfen können.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Humiliation to Dignity: Future of Global Solidarity.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Dignity Now — Forum Contribution to "After the Pandemic: Which Future?".
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity — The Coronavirus Pandemic as Opportunity in the Midst of Suffering.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From humiliation to dignity: For a future of global solidarity – The Corona pandemic as oppportunity in the midst of suffering. TRANSCEND Media Service. May.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda; Hartling, Linda Margaret; Duffey, Thelma & Haberstroh, Shane (2020). Raising Our Resilience in Times of Risk. I Duffey, Thelma & Haberstroh, Shane (Red.), Crisis and Trauma Counseling: Strategies for Effective Practice. The American Counseling Association (ACA). ISSN 9781556203770. s. 313–329.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Geckler, Georg-Wilhelm (2020). Von der Demütigung zur Würde: Für eine Zukunft der globalen Solidarität – Die Coronavirus-Pandemie als Chance in der Not. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). From Humiliation to Dignity: For a Future of Global Solidarity – The Coronavirus Pandemic as Opportunity in the Midst of Suffering. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2020). Reflections on A Great Ethics Transition: The Earth Charter At Twenty.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2019). Human Nature and Dignity: If We Continue to Believe in the Evilness of Human Nature, We May Be Doomed. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2019). Bringing Dignity to Globalisation: A Psychologist’s Personal Experience as a Global Citizen - Evelin Lindner’s Global Life. Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2019). Interview mit Einwohnern von Esperde bei Hameln, in Niedersachsen. [Internett]. Esperde, Niedersachen.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda; Overbeck, Stefanie & Wymore, Mel (2019). Poly Money Podcast with Mel Wymore, Stefanie Overbeck and Riley Paul. [Internett]. New York City, United States of America.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda & Saab, Gabriela (2019). Can We Teach Dignity? Lessons from the People of the Amazon.
  • Lindner, Evelin Gerda (2019). A Summary of Evelin Lindner's Impressions During the 2019 Dignity Conference in the Amazon.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 1. aug. 2022 18:15 - Sist endret 25. mars 2024 13:39