Hanne Weie Oddli

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Besøksadresse Harald Schjelderups hus Forskningsveien 3A 0373 OSLO
Postadresse Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 OSLO
  • Psykoterapi og integrasjon av multiple perspektiver

  • Klinisk forskning

  • Fellesfaktorer

  • Alliansen mellom terapeut og klient

  • Terapeutens bidrag, erfaring og utvikling

  • Forholdet mellom kunnskap og klinisk praksis

  • Prosessanalyser

  • Kvalitative metoder


PSYC1203 – Psykologi og vitenskap – Universitetet i Oslo (uio.no)

PSYC4310 – Psykologisk behandling og behandlingsforskning - Universitetet i Oslo (uio.no)

PSYC6330 – Klinisk fordypning 1 – Universitetet i Oslo (uio.no)

PSYC6320 – Praktikum – Universitetet i Oslo (uio.no)



  • 2021- : Professor ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO

  • 2012-2021: Førsteamanuensis ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO

  • 2011-2012: Psykologspesialist ved Psykiatrisk ungdomsteam for Asker og Bærum, Vestre Viken Helseforetak

  • 2007-2011: Stipendiat ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO

  • 2006-2007: Prekvalifiseringsstipend ved Psykologisk institutt, UiO

  • 2005-2007: Psykologspesialist ved Psykiatrisk poliklinikk Bærum, Sykehuset Asker og Bærum

  • 1999-2005: Psykolog ved Psykiatrisk ungdomsteam (PUT) for Asker og Bærum, Sykehuset Asker og Bærum

  • 1998-1999: Psykolog ved Akuttavdelingen for stoffmisbrukere, Buskerud sentralsykehus


  • 2012: PhD, Universitetet i Oslo

  • 2005: Spesialist i klinisk psykologi med fordypningsområde klinisk voksenpsykologi (NPF)

  • 1998-2000: Toårig fordypningsprogram til spesialisering i klinisk voksenpsykologi ved Institutt for Aktiv Psykoterapi (IAP)

  • 1997: Cand.psychol., Universitetet i Oslo

  • 1991: Sosialantropologi grunnfag ved UiO


2021- : Action editor for Psychotherapy Research. Journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1050-3307

2020 - : Medlem av styret ved Psykologisk institutt

2019 - : Medlem av intern forskningsetisk komité ved Psykologisk institutt 

2019 - : Medlem av PhD-utvalget ved Psykologisk institutt

2017 - 2023: Medlem av Kvalitetsutvalget i Norsk Psykologforening

2014 - 2021: Medlem av Forskningspolitisk utvalg i Norsk Psykologforening

2008 - : Faggruppeleder for Institutt for Aktiv Psykoterapis (IAP) videreutdanningsprogram for voksenpsykologi

2005 - 2014: Medlem av Spesialitetsrådet i Norsk Psykologforening


  • An intensive process-outcome study of the interpersonal aspects of psychotherapy (POET), Psykologisk institutt, UiO. Prosjektleder: Margrethe Seeger Halvorsen. Resten av prosjektets forskergruppe: Tidligere prosjektleder Michael Helge Rønnestad, Anna von der Lippe, Eva Axelsen, Kirsten Benum,  Frida Gullestad, Siri Gullestad, Hanne Haavind, John McLeod, Helene A. Nissen-Lie, Sissel Reichelt, Marit Råbu, Erik Stänicke og Nora Sveaass. Andre samarbeidspartnere i prosjektet er professor David Orlinsky (University of Chicago), professor Robert Elliott (University of Strathclyde) og professor Bruce Wampold (University of Wisconsin).
  • Becoming a psychologist. A longitudinal study of the professional development of psychology students – their relational traits and competence, ethical awareness, and role-identity. Steering committee: Olav Vassend (PI), Hanne Strømme, Helene Nissen-Lie, Ida Stange Bernhardt, Kristin Gustavson, Hanne Weie Oddli. Department of Psychology, University of Oslo. Becoming a psychologist. A longitudinal study of the professional development of psychology students – their relational traits and competence, ethical awareness, and role-identity (uio.no)

  • The Nordic Psychotherapy Training Study - NORTRAS. Styringsgruppen: Hanne Strømme (leder), Erkki Heinonen og Hanne Weie Oddli ved Universitetet i Oslo, Stephan Hau ved Stockholm Universitet, og Jan Nielsen ved Københavns Universitet. 
  • The Society of Psychotherapy Research (SPR) Interest Section on Therapist Training and Development (SPRISTAD), gjennom NORTRAS. SPRISTAD-koordinator for Universitetet i Oslo sammen med Hanne Strømme. SPRISTADs styringsgruppe: Bernhard Strauss (leder), David Orlinsky (avtroppende leder), Michael Helge Rønnestad (Chair-elect). SPRISTADs rådgivere: Clara Hill, Louis Castonguay og Svenja Taubner. For mer informasjon: http://www.psychotherapyresearch.org/?page=SPRSRISTAD
  • Eating disorders (EDs) and childhood trauma: patients’ conceptualization of their illness and subjective experiences of therapeutic change in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). University/Modum Bad Psychiatric Centre and Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway. Researchers: Malin Olofsson, KariAnne Vrabel (PI), Asle Hoffart, Hanna Eielsen, Kristine Punsvik, Hanne Weie Oddli.
  • Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability. The Regional Section Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities/Autism, Oslo University Hospital and the Department of psychology, UiO. Researchers: Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Sissel Helverschou, Hanne Weie Oddli.
  • Family admissions (FA) in treatment of eating disorders. The Regional Department for Eating Disorders (RASP) at Oslo University Hospital. Researchers: Jan-Vegard Nilsen, Øivind Rø (PI), Trine Wiig, Hanne Weie Oddli (UiO).

  • The Implementation of the Circle of Security Virginia-Family Model. National Center for Infant Mental Health, Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Eastern and Southern Norway, Oslo, Norway, and the Department of psychology, UiO. Researchers: Bettina Nielsen, Filip Drozd (PI), Kari Slinning, Hanne Weie Oddli.

  • Client perspectives on preferences in therapy: A consensual qualitative research study. Participating researchers and universities: Mick Cooper (PI) and Gina DiMalta, Department of Psychology, University of Roehampton, London, UK; Joshua Swift, Idaho State University; Sarah Knox, College of Education, Marquette University, Milwaukee; Hanne Weie Oddli, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo.
  • The Goals Special Interest Research Group consistent of a wide network of researchers from Scotland, England, United States, Denmark, and Norway: professor emeritus, John McLeod (former UiO and Aberty University); Mick Cooper; Sofie-Marie Heien; Jenna Jacobs; Karolin Krause; Charlie Duncan; and Gina diMalta (England); Georgiana Tryon, The City University of New York (CUNY); Thomas Mackrill (Denmark); Erik Stänicke, Margrethe Seeger-Halvorsen, Hanne Weie Oddli (UiO).
  • Digitalt journalinnsyn. Oslo Universitetssykehus (OUS), Lovisenberg distriktspsykiatriske senter, Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU) og Psykologisk institutt, UiO. Forskergruppe: Hilde Flata, phd-kandidat ved Psykologisk insitutt, UiO, Petter Aaslestad, professor ved Institutt for Språk og Litteratur, NTNU, og Hanne Weie Oddli, Psykologisk institutt, UiO.
Emneord: Avdeling for klinisk psykologi, Klinisk psykologi


  • Stige, Signe Hjelen; Oddli, Hanne Weie; Hjeltnes, Aslak; Watson, Jeanne & Stige, Brynjulf (2024). The researcher as instrument - how our capacity for empathy supports qualitative analysis of transcripts. Qualitative Research in Psychology. ISSN 1478-0887. doi: 10.1080/14780887.2024.2368046.
  • Cooper, Mick; Di Malta, Gina; Knox, Sarah; Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie & Swift, Joshua K. (2023). Patient perspectives on working with preferences in psychotherapy: A consensual qualitative research study. Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1050-3307. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2022.2161967.
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie & Helverschou, Sissel Berge (2023). Bias in assessment of co-occurring mental disorder in individuals with intellectual disabilities: Theoretical perspectives and implications for clinical practice. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. ISSN 1744-6295. 28(2), s. 393–414. doi: 10.1177/17446295231154119.
  • Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie; Stänicke, Erik; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Lindstad, Tobias Gustum (2022). Causality in psychotherapy research: Towards evidential pluralism. Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1050-3307. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2022.2161433.
  • Olofsson, Malin Elisabeth; Vrabel, KariAnne; Hoffart, Asle & Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie (2022). Covert therapeutic micro-processes in non-recovered eating disorders with childhood trauma: an interpersonal process recall study. Journal of Eating Disorders. ISSN 2050-2974. 10. doi: 10.1186/s40337-022-00566-1.
  • Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie; Heinonen, Erkki; Hau, Stephan; Nielsen, Jan; Esterhazy, Rachelle & Hoff, Cecilie Hillestad [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). Learning Processes and Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills in Training and Supervision of Psychotherapy and Counselling: A Study Protocol for a Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 12, s. 1–6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.718314. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Smith, Kate; Mcleod, John; Blunden, Nicola; Cooper, Mick; Gabriel, Lynne & Kupfer, Christine [Vis alle 11 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2021). A Pluralistic Perspective on Research in Psychotherapy: Harnessing Passion, Difference and Dialogue to Promote Justice and Relevance. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.742676.
  • Stige, Signe Hjelen; Eik, Ingrid; Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie & Moltu, Christian (2021). Negotiating System Requirements to Secure Client Engagement – Therapist Strategies in Adolescent Psychotherapy Initiated by Others. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 12, s. 1–15. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.704136. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nilsen, Jan Vegard; Rø, Øyvind; Halvorsen, Inger; Oddli, Hanne & Hage, Trine Wiig (2021). Family members’ reflections upon a family-based inpatient treatment program for adolescent anorexia nervosa: a thematic analysis. Journal of Eating Disorders. ISSN 2050-2974. 9:7, s. 1–14. doi: 10.1186/s40337-020-00360-x. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Oddli, Hanne; Mcleod, John; Nissen-Lie, Helene Amundsen ; Rønnestad, Michael Helge & Halvorsen, Margrethe S. (2021). Future orientation in successful therapies: Expanding the concept of goal in the working alliance. Journal of Clinical Psychology. ISSN 0021-9762. doi: 10.1002/jclp.23108.
  • Nilsen, Jan Vegard; Hage, Trine Wiig; Rø, Øyvind; Halvorsen, Inger & Oddli, Hanne (2020). External support and personal agency - Young persons' reports on recovery after family-based inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa: A qualitative descriptive study. Journal of Eating Disorders. ISSN 2050-2974. 8:18, s. 1–11. doi: 10.1186/s40337-020-00293-5.
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Oddli, Hanne & Helverschou, Sissel Berge (2020). Potentially traumatic experiences and behavioural symptoms in adults with autism and intellectual disability referred for psychiatric assessment. Research in Developmental Disabilities. ISSN 0891-4222. 107:103788, s. 1–15. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103788. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Olofsson, Malin Elisabeth; Oddli, Hanne; Vrabel, KariAnne & Hoffart, Asle (2020). «In solitude is safeness»: a patient perspective on eating disorders in the context of multiple childhood trauma. Nordic Psychology. ISSN 1901-2276. doi: 10.1080/19012276.2020.1762714. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Helverschou, Sissel Berge; Bakken, Trine Lise & Oddli, Hanne (2020). “Driven and Tense, Stressed Out and Anxious”: Clinicians’ Perceptions of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Expressions in Adults with Autism and Intellectual Disability. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. ISSN 1931-5864. 13(3), s. 201–230. doi: 10.1080/19315864.2020.1760972. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Helverschou, Sissel Berge; Bakken, Trine Lise & Oddli, Hanne (2020). “If we do not look for it, we do not see it”: Clinicians' experiences and understanding of identifying post‐traumatic stress disorder in adults with autism and intellectual disability. JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities. ISSN 1360-2322. doi: 10.1111/jar.12734. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Helverschou, Sissel Berge & Oddli, Hanne (2020). Clinicians’ retrospective perceptions of failure to detect sexual abuse in a young man with autism and mild intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. ISSN 1366-8250. 45(2), s. 194–202. doi: 10.3109/13668250.2019.1680821. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Oddli, Hanne; Kjøs, Peder & Mcleod, John (2020). Negotiating credibility: The peer review process in clinical research. Qualitative psychology journal. ISSN 2326-3598. 7(1), s. 59–75. doi: 10.1037/qup0000114.
  • Nilsen, Jan Vegard; Hage, Trine Wiig; Rø, Øyvind; Halvorsen, Inger & Oddli, Hanne (2019). Minding the adolescent in family-based inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa: a qualitative study of former inpatients' views on treatment collaboration and staff behaviors. BMC Psychology. ISSN 2050-7283. 7(1). doi: 10.1186/s40359-019-0348-2. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nilsen, Jan Vegard; Hage, Trine Wiig; Rø, Øyvind; Halvorsen, Inger & Oddli, Hanne (2019). Family-based inpatient treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa: a thematic analysis of former patients? post-treatment reflections. Eating Disorders. ISSN 1064-0266. s. 1–19. doi: 10.1080/10640266.2019.1656469. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nielsen, Bettina; Oddli, Hanne; Slinning, Kari & Drozd, Filip (2019). Implementation of attachment-based interventions in mental health and social welfare services: Therapist’s experiences from the Circle of Security-Virginia Family Intervention. Children and Youth Services Review. ISSN 0190-7409. 108. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104550.
  • Olofsson, Malin Elisabeth; Oddli, Hanne; Hoffart, Asle; Eielsen, Hanna Kristine Punsvik & Vrabel, Kari-Anne (2019). Change Processes Related to Long-Term Outcomes in Eating Disorders With Childhood Trauma: An Explorative Qualitative Study. Journal of Counseling Psychology. ISSN 0022-0167. doi: 10.1037/cou0000375.
  • Di Malta, Gina; Oddli, Hanne & Cooper, Mick (2019). From intention to action: A mixed methods study of clients’ experiences of goal‐oriented practices. Journal of Clinical Psychology. ISSN 0021-9762. 75(10), s. 1770–1789. doi: 10.1002/jclp.22821. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kvam, Elisabeth Adams; Oddli, Hanne & Landheim, Anne (2019). Anker i normalitet. Betringsprosessar hjå menneske med rus- og psykisk liding. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 56(3), s. 167–177.
  • von der Lippe, Anna Louise ; Oddli, Hanne & Halvorsen, Margrethe S. (2019). Therapist strategies early in therapy associated with good or poor outcomes among clients with low proactive agency. Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1050-3307. 29(3), s. 383–402. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2017.1373205.
  • Rønnestad, Michael Helge; Nissen-Lie, Helene A; Oddli, Hanne; Benum, Kirsten; Ekroll, Vidar Blokhus & Gullestad, Siri Erika [Vis alle 12 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2018). Expanding the Conceptualization of Outcome and Clinical Effectiveness. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. ISSN 0022-0116. 49, s. 87–97. doi: 10.1007/s10879-018-9405-z.
  • Nielsen, Bettina; Slinning, Kari; Oddli, Hanne & Drozd, Filip (2018). Identification of Implementation Strategies Used for the Circle of Security-Virginia Family Model Intervention: Concept Mapping Study. JMIR Research Protocols. ISSN 1929-0748. 7(6), s. 1–13. doi: 10.2196/10312. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Benum, Kirsten; Oddli, Hanne; Stänicke, Erik & Mcleod, John (2017). How Usual is Treatment as Usual? Experienced Therapists’ Reflections on Participation in Practice-based Research. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. ISSN 0951-5070. doi: 10.1080/09515070.2017.1397502. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kjøs, Peder & Oddli, Hanne (2017). Alliance formation in high-conflict custody mediation: a serial case analysis. Journal of Family Therapy. ISSN 0163-4445. 40(3), s. 378–397. doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12180. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Oddli, Hanne & Mcleod, John (2017). Knowing-in-relation: How experienced therapists integrate different sources of knowledge in actual clinical practice. Journal of psychotherapy integration. ISSN 1053-0479. 27(1), s. 107–119. doi: 10.1037/int0000045.
  • Oddli, Hanne; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Halvorsen, Margrethe S. (2016). Common therapeutic change principles as "sensitizing concepts": A key perspective in psychotherapy integration and clinical research. Journal of psychotherapy integration. ISSN 1053-0479. doi: 10.1037/int0000033.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Halvorsen, Margrethe S. (2014). Experienced Psychotherapists’ Reports of Their Assessments, Predictions, and Decision Making in the Early Phase of Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy. ISSN 0033-3204. 51(2), s. 295–307. doi: 10.1037/a0029843.
  • Oddli, Hanne (2014). Klinisk ekspertise: Hvordan bruker erfarne terapeuter kunnskap? I von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne (Red.), Psykoterapeuten. En antologi om terapeutens rolle i psykoterapi. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205472136.
  • Oddli, Hanne; Mcleod, John; Reichelt, Sissel & Rønnestad, Michael Helge (2014). Strategies used by experienced therapists to explore client goals in early sessions of psychotherapy. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Councelling. ISSN 1364-2537. 16(3), s. 245–266. doi: 10.1080/13642537.2014.927380.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Rønnestad, Michael Helge (2012). How experienced therapists introduce the technical aspects in the initital alliance formation: Powerful decision makers supporting clients' agency. Psychotherapy Research. ISSN 1050-3307. 22(2), s. 176–193. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2011.633280.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2003). Bygg din egen isme! Psykologisk tidsskrift. ISSN 1501-7508. 6(4), s. 8–10.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2002). Å velge i et mangfold av terapimodeller. Momenter til en interpersonlig integrering av terapi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 39(5), s. 403–410.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2001). Ubehaget ved makt. Fokus på familien. ISSN 0332-5415. 29(4), s. 285–291.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne (2014). Psykoterapeuten. En antologi om terapeutens rolle i psykoterapi. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205472136. 323 s.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2009). Vi må snakke sammen! Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-05-39088-1. 166 s.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (1998). Psykologien og Vitenskapen - Moderne og Postmoderne Forståelse av Terapi. Aschehoug & Co. ISBN 82-518-3714-6. 128 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie; Nissen-Lie, Helene, Amundsen ; Røssberg, Jan Ivar; Schanche, Elisabeth & Karlsson, Bengt Eirik (2023). Runderbordssamtale om endring .
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Fürst, Eva Alexandra; Helverschou, Sissel Berge; Munkhaugen, Ellen Kathrine & Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie (2023). Parents of young autistic adults with intellectual disabilities, mental health disorders, and complex co-occurring challenges: Experiences of conflict with services.
  • Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie (2022). Virker psykoterapi? [TV]. NRK.
  • Solbakken, Ole Andre; Nissen-Lie, Helene, Amundsen ; Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie; Råbu, Marit; Stänicke, Erik & Hagen, Roger [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Folkeopplysningens konklusjon er misvisende. . Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. s. 1051–1052.
  • Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie; Nissen-Lie, Helene, Amundsen ; Hagen, Roger; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Råbu, Marit & Solbakken, Ole Andre [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Psykoterapi har god effekt – selv om NRK sår tvil. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Waade, Adrian Løseth; Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie & Råbu, Marit (2022). Folkeopplysning eller folkeforvirring om psykoterapi? [Radio]. Speilvendtpodden, podcasten til psykologistudentenes tidsskr.
  • Olofsson, Malin Elisabeth; Oddli, Hanne; Vrabel, Kari-Anne & Hoffart, Asle (2018). "In solitude is safenss": a patient perspective on eating disorders in the context of childhood trauma".
  • DiMalta, Gina; Cooper, Mick & Oddli, Hanne (2018). Client experiences of goal negotiation over the course of pluralistic therapy.
  • Clarke, Jeremy; Mcleod, John; Sundet, Rolf & Oddli, Hanne (2018). The concept of causality in psychotherapy research: alternative and critical perspectives.
  • Ahlers, Imke; de Smet, Melissa; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Oddli, Hanne & von Below, Camilla (2018). The perks and hazards of qualitative research in the field of psychotherapy. Structured discussion.
  • Axelsen, Eva Dalsgaard; Benum, Kirsten; Bernhardt, Ida S.; Gullestad, Siri Erika; Halvorsen, Margrethe Seeger & Hartmann, Ellen Johanne [Vis alle 24 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2017). Historien Psykologtidsskriftet ikke forteller. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 54(12), s. 1197–1199.
  • Chatburn, Eleanor; Benum, Kirsten; Oddli, Hanne & Gjelsvik, Bergljot (2017). Key characteristics of flash-forwards in recurrently suicidal patients.
  • Gjelsvik, Bergljot; Chatburn, Eleanor; Benum, Kirsten & Oddli, Hanne (2017). Suicidal imagery: A catalyst in the suicidal process?
  • Oddli, Hanne; Benum, Kirsten; Chatburn, Eleanor & Gjelsvik, Bergljot (2017). 'I wanted to kill the body, not the experience'. Suicidal imagery as transitional space.
  • Nielsen, Bettina; Oddli, Hanne; Slinning, Kari & Drozd, Filip (2017). The Use and Implementation of the Circle of Security-Virginia Family Model in Health and Social Services.
  • Oddli, Hanne; Nissen-Lie, Helene A; Mcleod, John; Rønnestad, Michael Helge & Halvorsen, Margrethe S. (2017). Goal consensus between client and therapist. A mixed-method study.
  • Andenæs, Agnes; Benum, Kirsten; Carlquist, Erik; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Hauge, Mona-Iren & Madsen, Ole Jacob [Vis alle 15 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2017). Sneversynt om psykologisk kunnskap. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847. 198(5), s. 28–29.
  • Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Oddli, Hanne; Øiestad, Guro & Mcleod, John (2016). The journey towards becoming an integrative psychotherapist: Teaching integration in as a perspective on theory, research and practice.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Mcleod, John (2016). Understanding psychotherapy integration: qualitative analyses of how experienced psychotherapists integrate knowledge in actual practice.
  • Oddli, Hanne (2016). Nytten av dekantering. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 53(2), s. 135–138.
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Benum, Kirsten; Stänicke, Erik & Oddli, Hanne (2015). How usual is treatment as usual? Erfarne terapeuters refleksjoner over forskningsdeltagelse.
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Benum, Kirsten; Stänicke, Erik & Oddli, Hanne (2015). How usual is treatment as usual? Experienced therapists’ reflections on research participation.
  • Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Oddli, Hanne & Stänicke, Erik (2015). En terapeut sine refleksjoner over en time med høyt nivå av Referential Activity.
  • Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Oddli, Hanne & Stänicke, Erik (2015). Hvordan jobber erfarne terapeuter i praksis? Kasusstudier som metode.
  • Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Oddli, Hanne & Stänicke, Erik (2015). The expert therapist reflecting on high Referential Activity (symbolization) in a session.
  • Stänicke, Erik; Oddli, Hanne; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Benum, Kirsten (2015). Psykoterapiforskningen støtter ikke pakkeforløp. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Oddli, Hanne; Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Stänicke, Erik (2015). Klinisk ekspertise – hva er det og hvordan viser det seg i praksis? Analyser av ekspertterapeuter som klinikere, lærere og forskningsdeltakere.
  • Stänicke, Erik; Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Oddli, Hanne (2015). Timing som et aspekt ved terapeutisk ekspertise.
  • Stänicke, Erik; Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Oddli, Hanne (2015). Timing as an aspect of expertise.
  • Oddli, Hanne; Benum, Kirsten; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Stänicke, Erik (2015). Expert therapists as clinicians and research participants.
  • von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne (2014). Dedication. I von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne (Red.), Psykoterapeuten. En antologi om terapeutens rolle i psykoterapi. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205472136.
  • von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne (2014). Forord. I von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne (Red.), Psykoterapeuten. En antologi om terapeutens rolle i psykoterapi. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205472136.
  • Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Benum, Kirsten; Haavind, Hanne; Von der Lippe, Anna Louise; Nissen-Lie, Helene A & Oddli, Hanne [Vis alle 9 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2014). How does alliance work develop in phases of psychotherapy?
  • Strømme, Hanne; Lindgren, Thomas; Hau, Stephan & Oddli, Hanne (2014). Psychotherapeutic competence in supervision and therapy (CIST). The Nordic Psychotherapy Training Study.
  • Mackrill, Thomas; Stiles, William B.; Levitt, Heidi M. & Oddli, Hanne (2014). Structured Discussion: Client agency -- where are we heading?
  • Oddli, Hanne; Mcleod, John & Kjøs, Peder (2014). Negotiating credibility: The peer review process in psychotherapy research.
  • Oddli, Hanne (2013). Forskningsbasert kunnskap i klinisk praksis. I Benum, Kirsten; Axelsen, Eva & Hartmann, Ellen Johanne (Red.), God Psykoterapi: Et Integrativt Perspektiv. Pax Forlag. ISSN 978-82-530-3598-7. s. 293–315.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2013). Å gjøre endring relevant - alliansen som knutepunkt. I Benum, Kirsten; Axelsen, Eva & Hartmann, Ellen Johanne (Red.), God Psykoterapi: Et Integrativt Perspektiv. Pax Forlag. ISSN 978-82-530-3598-7. s. 194–215.
  • Nissen-Lie, Helene A; Oddli, Hanne & Wampold, Bruce E. (2013). Fellesfaktordebatt på ville veier. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 50(5), s. 489–491.
  • Oddli, Hanne (2013). The link between research and actual clinical practice: Interpersonal integration.
  • Oddli, Hanne (2012). Hvordan erfarne terapeuter integrerer metoder og teknikker i det innledende alliansearbeidet: Improvisasjon og implisitte forhandlinger. Mellanrummet: Tidsskrift om barn- og ungdomspsykoterapi. ISSN 1404-5559. 27, s. 66–70.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Halvorsen, Margrethe S. (2011). Experienced therapists’ reports of their assessments, predictions and decision-making in the early phase of psychotherapy.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Rønnestad, Michael Helge (2010). Looking for goal consensus - finding motivational, engaging dialogues: Challenging the concept of goal consensus in the initial phase of psychotherapy.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2009). Fortsatt løgn. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 46(3), s. 284–287.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2009). Å leve med forskjell. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 46(8), s. 784–786.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2009). 7 løgner om psykoterapi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 46(2), s. 168–173.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2006). Leslie Greenberg og Paul Salkovskis: Klinisk kunst og vitenskap må blandes. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 43(10), s. 1052–1055.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2005). Hanne Reichelt - nyvalgt visepresident i Psykologforeningen. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 42(1), s. 56–57.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2005). Psykologisk trendbarometer: Hva leser studentene? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 42(6), s. 523–525.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2005). Trendbarometer: Rolf Sundet. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 42(7), s. 632–633.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2005). Psykologisk trendbarometer: Bjørnar Olsen. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 42(9), s. 812–813.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2005). Trendbarometer: Sissel Reichelt. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 42(5), s. 424–425.
  • Oddli, Hanne & Kjøs, Peder (2004). Å skrive nedenfra. (Intervju med Hanne Ørstavik). Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 41(10), s. 820–821.
  • Nielsen, Bettina; Drozd, Filip; Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie & Slinning, Kari (2021). The implementation of the Circle of Security-Virginia family model in mental health and social services. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Helverschou, Sissel Berge & Oddli, Hanne Berit Weie (2021). Identification of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Autistic Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: An Explorative Study of Symptom Manifestations and Challenges in Assessment. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Oddli, Hanne; Halvorsen, Margrethe S. & Rønnestad, Michael Helge (2014). Expertise demonstrated: What does it mean to be an expert psychotherapist? Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, Div 29 of the American Psychological Association.
  • Oddli, Hanne (2012). Technical aspects in the initial alliance formation. Qualitative analyses of experienced therapists' behavior and post-treatment reflections. Universitetet i Oslo.

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Publisert 19. sep. 2012 16:21 - Sist endret 10. juni 2024 19:40