Irene Teulings

Stipendiat - PROMENTA
Bilde av Irene Johanna Elisabeth Teulings
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Besøksadresse Forskningsveien 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo
Andre tilknytninger Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet (Student)

Faglige interesser

  • values, value fulfillment, and wellbeing
  • morality and happiness
  • positive emotions and wellbeing


I am a PhD candidate at the PROMENTA Research Center at the University of Oslo. My PhD project focuses on understanding the role of values for wellbeing. Here, we apply a value-focus to the science of happiness, i.e., investigating wellbeing based on what people say they find important. 

Specifically, I'm interested in which values are key to feeling good. Within my research, I will investigate how values and fulfillment of those values are associated with wellbeing, e.g., what role does being a morally good person play in being a happy person? My research uses large-scale international data to identify which values and behaviors characterize a good life.

Alongside my doctoral research, I am involved in research on positive emotions and wellbeing. I have a particular interest in psychological methods, and applying network analyses to advance theoretical models on wellbeing. I am also an advocate for open science and aim to implement open science practices throughout my project. 


PSY1250 - Personality Psychology 1


In 2022, I graduated from the Research Master's Psychology of the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I have previous research and teaching experience from the Amsterdam Interdisciplinary Centre for Emotion at the University of Amsterdam and the Integrity lab of Utrecht University. 




Emneord: Wellbeing, Values, Value fulfillment, Emotions, Network Analysis


Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 6. nov. 2023 10:28 - Sist endret 6. nov. 2023 10:28