In this exercise, we will explore various ways of using ChatGPT to improve a manuscript and aid in different aspects of text production. We will learn how to leverage ChatGPT for language evaluation, proofreading, paraphrasing, title generation, methodology clarification, and more. These activities are designed to enhance your writing and ensure your research is presented clearly and professionally.

Some resources:

Language and Proofreading

Use ChatGPT to:
* Evaluate the language of your paper and suggest improvements.
* In separate prompts, proofread the introduction section of your manuscript with respect to:
1. Punctuation, grammatical, or spelling mistakes, and correct formatting inconsistencies.
2. Formal academic tone, clarity, and coherency.
3. Logical flow and consistency in reasoning for your draft.

Introduction Section

  • Assess whether the introduction section builds logically up to the research questions.
  • Identify sections of the introduction that can be made more concise without losing meaning.
  • Assess the comprehensiveness of your literature review and the relevance of your references.
  • Try to use chatGPT to make a major change in the structure of parts on the introduction.
  • Find a paragraph in the introduction and use ChatGPT to paraphrase it.

Methods Section

  • Ask ChatGPT to rephrase or clarify your methodology section to ensure it’s understandable to a broader audience.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of the methods used in your paper and get GPT to suggest alternatives or extensions.
  • Use ChatGPT to evaluate whether the paper conforms to the APA standard.


  • Get chatGPT to take the role as a critical and pedantic reviewer, and evaluate your paper.
  • Generate potential questions or critiques that a peer reviewer might raise, helping you to anticipate and address these in advance.
  • If you are using openAI chatGPT, upload a figure and ask for feedback on the visual style, clarity or relevance.

Using the Abstract

  • Evaluate the title of your paper and use chatGPT to generate 10 new versions.
  • Make a press release based on your abstract.
  • Identify the “public significance” of your paper.
  • Generate a set of paper keywords.
  • Choose a journal to which you want to submit the paper and use the abstract and online material to draft a submission letter. Look for additional information on the journal online that you can include.
  • Brainstorm future research directions or potential experiments based on your current findings, with ChatGPT providing suggestions.


  • Summarize your paper in a set of bullet points.
  • Make a popular summary of your paper for two different audiences:
    1. A group of professors.
    2. A class of primary school children.

Various Issues

  • Review your draft for any ethical considerations you might have overlooked.
  • Get ChatGPT to formulate a section detailing the strengths and limitations of your paper.
  • Brainstorm future research directions or potential experiments based on your current findings, with ChatGPT providing suggestions.


Curie AI is an artificial intelligence writing assistant developed by AJE 
(American Journal Experts) to help researchers improve their manuscript writing. 
Some key features of Curie AI include:

- Contextual language suggestions to enhance clarity and academic tone
- Feedback on grammar, spelling, word choice, and sentence structure
- Identification of potential biases or inappropriate language
- Recommendations for improving logical flow and coherence
- Integration with common word processors like Microsoft Word

Curie AI leverages advanced natural language processing models trained on a vast
corpus of published academic literature across disciplines. This allows it to 
provide tailored suggestions aligned with scholarly writing conventions.
  1. Go to Curie:
  • If you want, get laguage feedback on your draft from SpringerNature.