Pål Kraft

Professor - Psykologisk institutt
Bilde av Pål Kraft
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Postadresse Postboks 1094 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Faglige interesser

  • Holdninger til atom- og vindkraft

  • Helsepsykologi

  • Selvregulering

  • Helsevaner

  • Sosial ulikhet


  • Professor, PhD, Psykologisk institutt, UiO, 2004-dd

  • Professor II ved Oslo Nye Høyskole, 2020-dd
  • Tidligere stillinger: Instituttleder, Psykologisk institutt, UiO; direktør SIRUS; professor UiB; direktør Hemil-senteret, UiB; forskningsleder Folkehelseinstituttet og Norges forskningsråd; forsker WHO-Geneva; Prof. II ved Handelshøyskolen BI og Høgskolen Innlandet. etc..
  • Utdanning: PhD i psykologi fra UiB. Master-grader i psykologi (NTNU) og sosiologi (UiO), Cand. odont.(UiO) og bedriftsøkonom (BI).
Emneord: Avdeling for helse- utviklings- og personlighetspsykologi, Helsepsykologi, selvregulering, Sosial ulikhet


Kraft, P. & Kraft, B. (2023). The income-happiness nexus: Uncovering the importance of social comparison processes in subjective well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1283601/full
Kraft, P. & Kraft, B. (2023). Exloring the relationship between multiple dimensions of subjective socioeconomic status and self-reported physical and mental health: the mediating role of affect. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1138367/full
Stenseng, F., Steinsholt, I.B., Hygen, B.W & Kraft, P. (2023). Running to get «lost»: Two types of escapism in recreational running and their relations to exercise dependence and subjective well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1035196.
Kraft, P. & Kraft, B., Espeseth, T. & Hagen, T. (2022). Subjective socioeconomic status, cognitive abilities, and personal control: Associations with health behaviours. Frontiers in Psychology, 12,  https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.784758.
Kraft, P. & Kraft, B. (2021). Explaining socioeconomic disparities in health behaviours: A review of biopsychosocial pathways involving stress and inflammation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 127, 698-708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.05.019
Ulset, V., Czajkowski, N. O., Kraft, B., Kraft, P., Wikenius, E., Kleppestø, T. H. & Bekkhus, M. (2019). Are unpopular children more likely to get sick? Longitudinal links between popularity and infectious diseases in early childhood. PLOS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222222
Kraft, P. (2016). Rusmiddelavhengighet. Et psykologisk perspektiv. elvregulering.  Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 232 sider.
Kraft, P. (2014). Selvregulering. Om endring av atferd og vaner i det moderne samfunnet. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 212 sider.
Drozd, F., Skeie L. G., Kraft, P. & Kvale, D. (2014). A web-based intervention trial for depressive symptoms and subjective well-being in patients with chronic HIV infection. AIDS Care, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2013.869541.
Kraft, P. (2013). Konsekvenser av cannabisbruk for arbeid og utdanning. I: A. L. Bretteville-Jenssen (red.): Hva vet vi om cannabis, s. 83-97. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Halkjelsvik, T., Lund, K. E., Kraft, P. & Rise, J. (2013). Fear appeals in advanced tobacco control environments: The impact of a national mass media campaign in Norway. Health Education Research, doi:10.1093/her/cyt064.
Drozd, F., Raeder, S., Kraft, P. & Bjørkli, S. (2013). Multilevel Growth Curve Analyses of Treatment Effects of a Web-Based Intervention for Stress Reduction: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 013;15(4):e84.
Haga, S. M., Lynne, A., Slinning, K. & Kraft, P. (2012). A qualitative study of depressive symptoms and well-being among first-time mothers. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 3, 458-466.
Haga, S. M., Ulleberg, P., Slinning, K., Kraft, P., Steen, T. & Staff, A.C. (2012). A longitudinal study of postpartum depressive symptoms: multilevel growth curve analyses of emotion regulation strategies, breastfeeding self-efficacy, and social support. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 3, 175-184.
Stenseng, F., Rise, J. & Kraft, P.  (2012). Activity engagement as escape from self: The role of self-suppression and self-expansion. Leisure Sciences, 1, 19-38.
Stenseng, F., Rise, J. & Kraft, P.  (2011). The dark side of leisure: obsessive passion and its covariates and outcomes. Leisure Studies, 1, 49-62.
  • Kraft, Pål & Kraft, Brage (2023). The income-happiness nexus: uncovering the importance of social comparison processes in subjective wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1283601.
  • Kraft, Pål & Kraft, Brage (2023). Exploring the relationship between multiple dimensions of subjective socioeconomic status and self-reported physical and mental health: the mediating role of affect. Frontiers in Public Health. ISSN 2296-2565. 11. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1138367.
  • Stenseng, Frode; Bredvei Steinsholt, Ingvild; Hygen, Beate Wold & Kraft, Pål (2023). Running to get “lost”? Two types of escapism in recreational running and their relations to exercise dependence and subjective well-being. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 13. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1035196. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kraft, Pål; Kraft, Brage; Hagen, Thomas & Espeseth, Thomas (2022). Subjective Socioeconomic Status, Cognitive Abilities, and Personal Control: Associations With Health Behaviours. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.784758.
  • Kraft, Pål & Kraft, Brage (2021). Explaining socioeconomic disparities in health behaviours: A review of biopsychological pathways involving stress and inflammation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. ISSN 0149-7634. 127, s. 689–708. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.05.019.
  • Ulset, Vidar; Czajkowski, Nikolai Olavi; Kraft, Brage; Kraft, Pål; Wikenius, Ellen & Kleppestø, Thomas Haarklau [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2019). Are unpopular children more likely to get sick? Longitudinal links between popularity and infectious diseases in early childhood . PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203. 14(9), s. 1–14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222222. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Drozd, Filip; Skeie, Linda Gail; Kraft, Pål & Kvale, Dag (2014). A web-based intervention trial for depressive symptoms and subjective well-being in patients with chronic HIV infection. AIDS Care. ISSN 0954-0121. 26(9), s. 1080–1089. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2013.869541.
  • Kraft, Pål (2013). Konsekvenser av cannabisbruk for arbeid og utdanning. I Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line (Red.), Hva vet vi om cannabis?. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02139-3. s. 83–97.
  • Halkjelsvik, Torleif; Lund, Karl Erik; Kraft, Pål & Rise, Jostein (2013). Fear appeals in advanced tobacco control environments: the impact of a National Mass Media Campaign in Norway. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. 28(5), s. 888–897. doi: 10.1093/her/cyt064. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Drozd, Filip; Raeder, Sabine; Kraft, Pål & Bjørkli, Cato Alexsander (2013). Multilevel Growth Curve Analyses of Treatment Effects of a Web-Based Intervention for Stress Reduction: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. ISSN 1438-8871. 15(4). doi: 10.2196/jmir.2570.
  • Haga, Silje Marie; Lynne, Anita; Slinning, Kari & Kraft, Pål (2012). A qualitative study of depressive symptoms and well-being among first-time mothers. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. ISSN 0283-9318. 26(3), s. 458–466. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2011.00950.x.
  • Haga, Silje Marie; Ulleberg, Pål; Slinning, Kari; Kraft, Pål; Steen, Thorbjørn & Staff, Anne Cathrine (2012). A longitudinal study of postpartum depressive symptoms: multilevel growth curve analyses of emotion regulation strategies, breastfeeding self-efficacy, and social support. Archives of Women's Mental Health. ISSN 1434-1816. 15(3), s. 175–184. doi: 10.1007/s00737-012-0274-2.
  • Stenseng, Frode; Rise, Jostein & Kraft, Pål (2012). Activity Engagement as Escape from Self: The Role of Self-Suppression and Self-Expansion. Leisure Sciences. ISSN 0149-0400. 34(1), s. 19–38. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2012.633849.
  • Stenseng, Frode; Rise, Jostein & Kraft, Pål (2011). The dark side of leisure: obsessive passion and its covariates and outcomes. Leisure Studies. ISSN 0261-4367. 30(1), s. 49–62. doi: 10.1080/02614361003716982.
  • Duckert, Fanny; Drozd, Filip & Kraft, Pål (2011). Alkoholproblemer på arbeidsplassen - en arena for tidlig intervensjon via nye medier. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 48, s. 767–773.
  • Brendryen, Håvar; Kraft, Pål & Schaalma, Herman (2010). Looking Inside the Black Box: Using Intervention Mapping to Describe the Development of the Automated Smoking Cessation Intervention ‘Happy Ending’. Journal of Smoking Cessation. ISSN 1834-2612. 5(1), s. 29–56.
  • Haga, Silje Marie; Kraft, Pål & Corby, Emma Kate (2009). Emotion Regulation: Antecedents and Well-Being Outcomes of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression in Cross-Cultural Samples. Journal of Happiness Studies. ISSN 1389-4978. 10(3), s. 271–291. doi: 10.1007/s10902-007-9080-3.
  • Kraft, Pål; Drozd, Filip & Olsen, Elin (2009). ePsychology : Designing Theory-Based Health Promotion Interventions. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. ISSN 1529-3181. 24, s. 399–426.
  • Rise, Jostein; Kovac, Velibor Bobo; Kraft, Pål & Moan, Inger Synnøve (2008). Predicting the intention to quit smoking and quitting behaviour: Extending the theory of planned behaviour. British Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-107X. 13. doi: 10.1027/1901-2276/a000040.
  • Brendryen, Håvar; Drozd, Filip & Kraft, Pål (2008). A Digital Smoking Cessation Program Delivered Through Internet and Cell Phone Without Nicotine Replacement (Happy Ending): Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. ISSN 1438-8871. 10(5). doi: 10.2196/jmir.1005.
  • Brendryen, Håvar & Kraft, Pål (2008). Happy Ending: a randomized controlled trial of a digital multi-media smoking cessation intervention. Addiction. ISSN 0965-2140. 103. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2007.02119.x.
  • Kraft, Pål; Drozd, Filip & Olsen, Elin (2008). Digital therapy: Addressing willpower as part of the cognitive-affective processing system in the service of habit change. I Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri; Hasle, Per; Harjumaa, Marja; Segerståhl, Katarina & Øhrstrøm, Peter (Red.), Persuasive Technology. Springer. ISSN 978-3-540-68500-5. s. 177–188.
  • Iversen, Anette & Kraft, Pål (2006). Coping with health related messages: The role of educational level and health consciousness. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153.
  • Iversen, Anette Christine & Kraft, Pål (2006). Does socio-economic status and health consciousness influence how women respond to health related messages in media? Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. 21, s. 601–610.
  • Kraft, Pål (2005). Terrorens psykologi. I Rasch, Bjørn Erik (Red.), Islamistisk terrorisme. Abstrakt forlag. ISSN 82-7935-179-5. s. 122–144.
  • Kraft, Pål; Rise, Jostein; Sutton, Stephen & Røysamb, Espen (2005). Perceived difficulty in the theory of planned behaviour: perceived behavioural control or affective attitude? British Journal of Social Psychology. ISSN 0144-6665. 44(3), s. 479–496. doi: 10.1348/014466604X17533.
  • Leganger, Anette & Kraft, Pål (2003). Control constructs: do they mediate the relationship between eduactional attainment and health behaviour? Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 8(3), s. 361–372.
  • Leganger, Anette; Kraft, Pål & Torsheim, Torbjørn (2003). Control constructs: do they mediate the relation between educational attainment and health behaviour? Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. s. 361–372.
  • Kraft, Pål & Fekadu, Zelalem (2002). Expanding the theory of planned behaviour : the role of social norms and group identification. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 7(1), s. 33–43.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen & Holsen, Ingrid (2002). The relationship between body image and depressed mood - a 5-year longitudinal study in Norwegian adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 6(6), s. 613–627.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2002). Expanding the theory of planned behaviour: The role of social norms and group identification. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 7(1), s. 33–43.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2002). Expanding the theory of planned behaviour: The role of social norms and group identification. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. s. 33–43.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen & Holsen, Ingrid (2002). The relationship between body image and depressed mood - a 5-year longitudinal study in Norwegian adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 6(6), s. 613–627.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Ekeberg, Øivind & Dieserud, Gudrun (2001). Toward an integrative model of suicide attempt: A cognitive psychological approach. ?. 31(2), s. 153–168.
  • Kraft, Pål & Fekadu, Zelalem (2001). Predicting intended contraception in a sample of Ethiopian female adolesents: The validity of the theory of planned behavior. ?. 16(2), s. 207–222.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Holsen, Ingrid & Breivik, Solveig (2001). Kroppsbilde og depresssive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 42(2), s. 191–222.
  • Kraft, Pål & Fekadu, Zelalem (2001). Augmenting planned behavior with self-identity theory: Self.identity, past behavior and its moderating effects in predictiong intention. ?. 29, s. 671–685.
  • Holsen, Ingrid; Kraft, Pål & Røysamb, Espen (2001). The relationship between body image and depressed mood in adolescence: A 5-year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 6(6), s. 613–627.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2001). Predicting intended contraception in a sample of Ethiopian female adolescents: The validity of the theory of planned behavior. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 16, s. 207–222.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2001). Self-identity in planned behavior perspective: Past behavior and its moderating effects on self-identity-intention relations. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal. ISSN 0301-2212. 29(7), s. 671–685.
  • Dieserud, Gudrun; Røysamb, Espen; Øyvind, Ekeberg & Kraft, Pål (2001). Towards an Integrative Model of Suicidal Tendency. A Cognitive Psychological Approach. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour. ISSN 0363-0234. s. 153–168.
  • Kraft, Pål; Solveig, Breivik; Holsen, Ingrid & Røysamb, Espen (2001). Kroppsbilde og depressive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 42(2), s. 191–222.
  • Holsen, Ingrid; Kraft, Pål & Røysamb, Espen (2001). The relationship between body image and depressed mood - a 5-year longitudinal study in Norwegian adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-1053. 6(6), s. 613–627.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2001). Augmenting planned behavior with self-identity theory: Self-identity, past behavior and its moderating effects in predicting intention. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal. ISSN 0301-2212. s. 671–685.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2001). Predicting intended contraception in a sample of Ethiopian female adolescents: The validity of the theory of planned behavior. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446.
  • Kraft, Pål; Breivik, Solveig; Røysamb, Espen & Holsen, Ingrid (2001). Kroppsbilde og depressive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. s. 191–222.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Holsen, Ingrid & Breivik, Solveig (2001). Kroppsbilde og depresssive tanker - en longitudinell studie av ungdom i alderen 13-18 år. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 42(2), s. 191–222.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen; Ekeberg, Øivind & Dieserud, Gudrun (2001). Toward an integrative model of suicide attempt: A cognitive psychological approach. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour. ISSN 0363-0234. 31(2), s. 153–168.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen & Leganger, Anette (2000). Perceived self-efficacy in health behaviour research: Conceptualisation, measurement and correlates. ?. 15(1), s. 51–69.
  • Kraft, Pål; Holsen, Ingrid & Vittersø, Joar (2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence: Results from a 6-year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. ISSN 0047-2891. 29(1), s. 61–78.
  • Leganger, Anette; Kraft, Pål & Røysamb, Espen (2000). Perceived self-efficacy in health behaviour research: Conceptualisation, measurement and correlates. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 15(1), s. 51–69.
  • Holsen, Ingrid; Kraft, Pål & Vittersø, Joar (2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence – results from a six- year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. ISSN 0047-2891. 29(1), s. 61–78.
  • Holsen, Ingrid & Kraft, Pål (2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence – results from a six-year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. ISSN 0047-2891. s. 61–78.
  • Leganger, Anette; Kraft, Pål & Røysamb, Espen (2000). Perceived self-efficacy in health behaviour research: Conceptualisation, measurement and correlates. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. s. 51–70.
  • Kraft, Pål; Holsen, Ingrid & Vittersø, Joar (2000). Stability in depressed mood in adolescence: Results from a 6-year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. ISSN 0047-2891. 29(1), s. 61–78.
  • Kraft, Pål; Røysamb, Espen & Leganger, Anette (2000). Perceived self-efficacy in health behaviour research: Conceptualisation, measurement and correlates. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 15(1), s. 51–69.
  • Kraft, Pål; Sutton, S & McCreath, H (1999). The transtheoretical model of behaviour change: are the stages qualitatively different? Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. s. 433–450.
  • Kraft, Pål; Sutton, Stephen & McCreath, Heather (1999). The transtheoretical model of behaviour change: are the stages qualitatively different? Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 14(3), s. 433–450.
  • Leganger, Anette & Kraft, Pål (1999). Perceived self-efficacy in health behaviour research: Conceptualisation, measurement and correlates. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. -.
  • Kraft, Pål; Svendsen, T & Hauknes, A (1998). Intention to stop smoking among Norwegian smokers: The role of nicotine dependence, type of cigarettes and age at onset of daily smoking. Addictive Behaviours. ISSN 0306-4603. s. 133–137.
  • Kraft, Pål & Svendsen, Terje (1998). Intention to stop smoking among Norwegian smokers:The role of nicotine dependence, type of cigarettes and age at onset of daily smoking. Addictive Behaviours. ISSN 0306-4603. s. 133–137.
  • Kraft, Pål & Svendsen, T (1997). Tobacco use among young adults in Norway 1973-95: Has the decrease levelled out? Tobacco Control. ISSN 0964-4563. s. 27–32.
  • Røysamb, Espen; Rise, Jostein & Kraft, Pål (1997). On the structure and dimensionality of risk-related behavior. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. s. 437–452.
  • Nilsen, Øystein & Kraft, Pål (1997). Do local inhabitants want to participate in community injury prevention. A focus upon the significance of local identities for community participation. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 333–345.
  • Røysamb, Espen; Rise, Jostein & Kraft, Pål (1997). On the structure and dimensionality of risk-related behaviour. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 12, s. 437–452.
  • Nilsen, Øystein & Kraft, Pål (1997). Do local inhabitants wat to participate in community injury prevention. A focus upon the significance of local identities for community participati. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 333–345.
  • Kraft, Pål & Svendsen, Terje (1997). Tobacco use among young adults in Norway 1973-95:Has the decrease levelled out? Tobacco Control. ISSN 0964-4563. s. 27–32.
  • Ueland, Øydis & Kraft, Pål (1997). Injury incidence, risk perception and product-related safety among 18and 45-year-olds. International Journal of Consumer Safety. s. 107–117.
  • Kraft, Pål; Svendsen, Terje & Hauknes, Arne (1997). Nikotinavhengighet blant norske røykere og konsekvenser for forebyggende tiltak. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. s. 340–345.
  • Kraft, Pål; Svendsen, Terje & Hauknes, Arne (1997). Intention to stop smoking among Norwegian smokers: The role of nicotine dependence, type of cigarettes and age at onset of daily smoking. Addictive Behaviours. ISSN 0306-4603.
  • Kraft, Pål; Sutton, Stephen & McCreath, Heather (1997). The transtheoretical model of behaviour change: are the stages qualitatively different? Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446.
  • Kraft, Pål & Loeb, M (1996). On the Replicability and Correlates of the Parent Health Locus of Control Scales. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 433–441.
  • Ueland, Øydis & Kraft, Pål (1996). Safety measures taken by Norwegian mothers. Injury Prevention. ISSN 1353-8047. s. 197–201.
  • Kraft, Pål & Rise, Jostein (1995). Prediction of attitudes towards restrictive AIDS policies: A structural equation modelling approach. Social Science and Medicine. ISSN 0277-9536. s. 711–718.
  • Rise, Jostein; Træen, Bente & Kraft, Pål (1994). The Sexual Opinion Survey Scale: A study on dimensionality in Norwegian adolescents. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 458–494.
  • Kraft, Pål & Rise, Jostein (1993). The relationship between the sensation seeking scale and smoking, alcohol consumption and sexual behaviour among Norwegian adolescents. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 193–200.
  • Kraft, Pål (1993). Sexual knowledge among Norwegian adolescents. Journal of Adolescence. ISSN 0140-1971. s. 3–21.
  • Rise, Jostein; Træen, Bente; Kraft, Pål; Totland, Terje; Haukenes, G. & Svardal, A. [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (1993). The sexual opinion survey scale: A study on dimensionality in Norwegian adolescents. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. 8(4), s. 485–494.
  • Kraft, Pål (1992). Public knowledge of AIDS in Norway 1986-1989. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 21–30.
  • Kraft, Pål; Rise, Jostein & Træen, Bente (1991). Contraceptive behaviour of Norwegian adolescents. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 431–441.
  • Kraft, Pål (1991). Age at first intercourse among Norwegian adole¬scents: a lifestyle perspective. Social Science and Medicine. ISSN 0277-9536. s. 207–213.
  • Kraft, Pål; Rise, Jostein & Træen, Bente (1990). The HIV-epidemiv and changes in the use of condoms among Norwegian adolescents. AIDS (London). ISSN 0269-9370. s. 672–678.
  • Kraft, Pål & Rise, Jostein (1988). Public awareness and acceptance of a HIV/AIDS information campaign in Norway. Health Education Research. ISSN 0268-1153. s. 31–39.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Kraft, Pål (2016). Rusmiddelavhengighet. Et psykologisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215026268. 232 s.
  • Kraft, Pål (2016). Rusmiddelavhengighet - et psykologisk perspektiv. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215026268. 232 s.
  • Kraft, Pål (2014). Selvregulering: Om endring av atferd og vaner i det moderne samfunnet. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215024530. 212 s.
  • Kraft, Pål (2002). Opplevd mestringskontroll - en analyse av relevant teori og empirisk forskning. Universitetet i Bergen. ISBN 82-917-13-251. 136 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Kraft, Pål (2016). Motvind fra alle kanter. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening. ISSN 0332-6470. 53(5), s. 381–385.
  • Skeie, Linda Gail; Drozd, Filip; Kraft, Pål & Kvale, Dag (2012). A randomized controlled trial of aweb-based psychological intervention for patients under treatment for chronic HIV infection.
  • Kraft, Pål & Yardley, Lucy (2009). Current issues and new directions in Psychology and Health: What is the future of digital interventions for health behaviour change? Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 24(6), s. 615–618. doi: 10.1080/08870440903068581.
  • Kraft, Pål & Brendryen, Håvar (2008). A digital smoking cessation intervention evaluated as an information system.
  • Brendryen, Håvar & Kraft, Pål (2008). Preventing relapse in a digital smoking cessation intervention.
  • Drozd, Filip & Kraft, Pål (2008). Digital therapy: A description of a digital and fully automated alcohol intervention.
  • Brendryen, Håvar; Kraft, Pål & Drozd, Filip (2007). Two randomized controlled trials of a digital smoking cessation program.
  • Brendryen, Håvar; Kraft, Pål & Drozd, Filip (2007). Facilitating happy endings for motivated quitters – Two randomized controlled trials of a digital smoking cessation program.
  • Kraft, Pål (2007). Digital Therapy: The coming together of psychology and technology.
  • Brendryen, Håvar & Kraft, Pål (2006). A RCT of an internet and cell-phone based smoking cessation intervention. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 21, s. 23–24.
  • Haga, Silje Marie & Kraft, Pål (2006). The role of emotion-regulation and personal self-consciousness for subjective well-being and depressed mood. Psychology and Health. ISSN 0887-0446. 21, s. 61–61.
  • Brendryen, Håvar & Kraft, Pål (2006). Happy Ending: A randomized controlled trial of an internet and cell-phone based smoking cessation intervention.
  • Brendryen, Håvar & Kraft, Pål (2006). En randomisert kontrollert studie av en automatisert røykesluttintervensjon basert på bruk av internett og mobiltelefon.
  • Rise, Jostein; Kovac, Velibor Bobo & Kraft, Pål (2004). Bridging the intention-behaviour gap of addictive behaviours: the case of quitting smoking.
  • Kraft, Pål (2002). Revisiting PBC in the TPB.
  • Kraft, Pål (2000). Stage models in health behavior research.
  • Fekadu, Zelalem & Kraft, Pål (2000). Self-construals and subjective norms in the theory of planned behaviour in Ethiopia.
  • Kraft, Pål; Breivik, Solveig; Vittersø, Joar & Holsen, Ingrid (2000). Body image and deression: a longitudinal study of adolescents aged 13-18.
  • Leganger, Anette & Kraft, Pål (2000). Social differences in health promoting behaviours: the influence of control beliefs.
  • Leganger, Anette & Kraft, Pål (1998). Perceived self-efficacy in health behaviour research: Conceptualisation, measurement and correlates.
  • Kraft, Pål; Sutton, Stephen & McCreath, Heather (1998). The transtheoretical model of behaviour change: are the stages qualitatively different?
  • Kraft, Pål; Sutton, Stephen & McCreath, Heather (1997). The transtheoretical model of behaviour change: are the stages qualitatively different?
  • Mittelmark, Maurice B & Kraft, Pål (1997). Social ties, support, and connectedness as predictors of psychological well-being.
  • Nielsen, Bettina; Mork, Lia; Kraft, Pål & Drozd, Filip (2012). Evaluation of an internet-based intervention for mild-to-moderate depression and promotion of psychological well-being: A randomized controlled trial. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Henriksen, Silje; Kraft, Pål & Drozd, Filip (2012). En internettbasert og helautomatisk selvhjelpsintervensjon for stressreduksjon: En randomisert kontrollert studie. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Drozd, Filip; Blandhol, Sverre & Kraft, Pål (2012). Teaching Interpersonal Communication Skills Using an Internet Based Intervention: a Randomised Controlled Trial. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Soland Olsen, Elise; Drozd, Filip & Kraft, Pål (2010). Balanse i "Balance": En kvalitativ brukerstudie av en nettbasert alkoholintervensjon. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Larsen, Elisabeth; Lund, Karl Erik & Kraft, Pål (2006). En evaluering av tobakkskampanjen ”Hver eneste sigarett skader deg” Evaluering av det offentlige tobakksforebyggende arbeidet i Norge 2003-2007 - rapport 10 fra HEMIL/SIRUS. Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kraft, Pål (2002). Opplevd atferdskontroll (PBC) i teorien om planlagt atferd : teoretiske og metodologiske betraktninger. Institutt for samfunnspsykologi. Det psykologiske fakultet.. ISSN 8291713251.
  • Kraft, Pål (1999). Røyking og sosial påvirkning - empirisk forskning og sosialpsykologisk teori. Hemil-senteret.
  • Kraft, Pål (1998). Individual health behaviour and societal constraints - some sociological models for conceptualising macro-micro-interactions. The case of smoking. Hemil-senteret.
  • Leganger, Anette & Kraft, Pål (1998). Utvikling av røykevaner blant ansatte i Sjøforsvaret. Rapport nr.2 til Sanitetsinspektøren for Sjøforsvaret. [Mangler utgivernavn].

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Publisert 20. sep. 2010 11:34 - Sist endret 8. mars 2024 21:47
