Rolf Reber

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Boken "Critical Feeling" (2016; Cambridge University Press) og bloggen med samme navn er resultatet av min forskning om følelser. Gjennom teoretisk og empirisk arbeid har jeg undersøkt "fluency"-teorien om opplevelse av skjønnhet (sammen med Norbert Schwarz og Piotr Winkielman), og Aha-opplevelser (sammen med Sascha Topolinski).

En artikkel om en psykohistorisk tilnærming til forskning på kunstoppfatning (sammen med Nicolas Bullot) ble i 2013 publisert i Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

I et prosjekt finansiert av Utdanning2020-programmet i Forskningsrådet tester vi ut måter å øke interessen for matematikkundervisningen på skolen.

Dessuten skriver jeg psykologibøker for alle som er interessert i faget. På norsk finnes boken "Hverdagslivets Psykologi"


PSY1000 / PSYC1200 -- Innføring i generell psykologi

PSY4301 -- Judgment and Decision Making and Social Cognition 

Skriveseminar for Masterstudenter i Helse-, Sosial- og Personlighetspsykologi


Professor i kognitiv psykologi, UiO, 2013 →

Professor-II, Pedagogisk Institutt, UiB, 2013 →

Visiting Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2009-2010

Professor i kognitiv psykologi, UiB, 2004-2013

Førsteamanuensis i kognitiv psykologi, University of Bergen, 2003-2004

Guest lecturer, ETH Zürich, 2000-2002

Assistant research professor, Universität Bern 2000-2003

Forsker, Universität Bern 1998-2000

Postdoctoral fellow, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, 1996-1997

Postdoctoral fellow, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1994-1996

PhD (Dr. phil. hist.), Universität Bern, 1994


Undervisningsprisen "Das goldene Psi" fra psykologistudentene på Universitetet i Mannheim for den beste og mest innovative undervisningen i det akademiske året 2010/2011 (Erasmus-program for utveksling av undervisere).


Nicolas Bullot, Macquarie University; Elizabeth Canning, Indiana University; Weiqin Chen, OsloMet; Bo Christensen, Copenhagen Business School; Fan Wei, Hunan Normal University; Per Olav Folgerø, University of Bergen; Teresa Garcia-Marques, ISPA Lisbon; Rainer Greifeneder, University of Basel; Judith Harackiewicz, University of Wisconsin; Lasse Hodne, Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Tore Kristensen, Copenhagen Business School; Beat Meier, University of Bern; Ara Norenzayan, University of British Columbia; Daphna Oyserman, University of Michigan; Pierre Perruchet, Université de Bourgogne; Norbert Schwarz, University of Michigan; Rita Silva, University of Cologne; Edward Slingerland, University of British Columbia; Karsten Specht, University of Bergen; Michael Stausberg, University of Bergen; Sascha Topolinski, University of Cologne; Christian Unkelbach, University of Cologne; Piotr Winkielman, University of California at San Diego.

Emneord: Kognitiv psykologi og nevropsykologi, Avdeling for metode arbeids- kultur- og sosialpsykologi


Reber, R., Canning, E. A., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2018). Personalized Education to Increase Interest. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 449-454.

Reber, R. (2018). Making school meaningful: Linking psychology of education to meaning in life. Educational Review, in press.

Reber, Rolf & Greifender, Rainer (2017). Processing fluency in education: How metacognitive feelings shape learning, belief formation, and affect. Educational Psychologist, 52,84- 103.

Reber, Rolf (2016). Critical Feeling. How to Use Feelings Strategically. Cambridge University Press.

Garcia-Marques, Teresa; Silva, Rita R; Reber, Rolf & Unkelbach, Christian (2015). Hearing a statement now and believing the opposite later. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 56, 126-129.

Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2015). Supporting interest of middle school students in mathematics through context personalization and example choice. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 42, 17-25. 

Topolinski, Sascha; Erle, Thorsten M. & Reber, Rolf (2015). Necker's smile: Immediate affective consequences of early perceptual processes. Cognition,140, 1-13. 

Bullot, N. J., & Reber, R. (2013). The Artful Mind Meets Art History: Toward a Psycho-Historical Framework for the Science of Art Appreciation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 123-180 (target article with 27 commentaries and response).

Topolinski, S., & Reber, R. (2010). Gaining insight into the „Aha“-experience. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 402-405.

Reber, R., & Unkelbach, C. (2010). The epistemic status of processing fluency as source for judgments of truth. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1, 563-583.

Topolinski, S., & Reber, R. (2010). Immediate truth - temporal contiguity between a cognitive problem and its solution determines experienced veracity of the solution. Cognition, 114, 117-122. (Escop Early Career Publication Award to Sascha Topolinski)

Reber, R., Hetland, H., Chen, W., Norman, E., & Kobbeltvedt, T. (2009). Effects of example choice on interest, control, and learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 18, 509-548.

Reber, R. Brun, M., & Mitterndorfer, K. (2008). The use of heuristics in intuitive mathematical judgment. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15, 1174-1178.

Reber, R., Schwarz, N., & Winkielman, P. (2004). Processing fluency and aesthetic pleasure: Is beauty in the perceiver's processing experience? Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 364–382.

Reber, R., Winkielman, P., & Schwarz, N. (1998). Effects of perceptual fluency on affective judgments. Psychological Science, 9, 45–48.

  • Haugen, Linda Josefine Aas; Prenevost, Mathilde Hallingstad; Nilsen, Ida Bekke Rønneberg & Reber, Rolf (2023). First insights into infants' and children's aha-experiences: A parent report study. Cognitive development. ISSN 0885-2014. 69. doi: 10.1016/j.cogdev.2023.101397.
  • Skaar, Øystein Olav & Reber, Rolf (2022). Alone or together: The role of gender and social context prior to Aha-experiences. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. ISSN 0036-5564. 64(3), s. 302–313. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12883. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Riege, Anine & Reber, Rolf (2022). Availability. I Pohl, Rüdiger F. (Red.), Cognitive illusions, 3rd ed.. Routledge. ISSN 9780367724245. s. 175–190.
  • Lindell, Trym; Zickfeld, Janis Heinrich & Reber, Rolf (2022). The Role of Affect in Late Perceptual Processes: Evidence From Bi-Stable Illusions, Object Identification, and Mental Rotation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. ISSN 0096-1523. 48(12), s. 1347–1361. doi: 10.1037/xhp0001059. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nahon, Lea; Teige-Mocigemba, Sarah; Reber, Rolf & Greifeneder, Rainer (2021). Truth feels easy: Knowing information is true enhances experienced processing fluency. Cognition. ISSN 0010-0277. 215. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104819.
  • Nadarevic, Lena; Reber, Rolf; Helmecke, Anne Josephine & Köse, Dilara (2020). Perceived truth of statements and simulated social media postings: an experimental investigation of source credibility, repeated exposure, and presentation format. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. 5(1). doi: 10.1186/s41235-020-00251-4.
  • Skaar, Øystein Olav & Reber, Rolf (2020). Motivation through insight: the phenomenological correlates of insight and spatial ability tasks. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. ISSN 2044-5911. 33(6-7), s. 631–643. doi: 10.1080/20445911.2020.1844721. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Christensen, Bo; Ball, Linden & Reber, Rolf (2020). Perceptual fluency effects in judgments of creativity and beauty: creative objects are perceived fluently yet they are visually complex. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. ISSN 2044-5911. 32(1), s. 45–66. doi: 10.1080/20445911.2019.1689986.
  • Skaar, Øystein Olav & Reber, Rolf (2019). The phenomenology of aha-experiences. Motivation Science. ISSN 2333-8113. 6(1), s. 49–60. doi: 10.1037/mot0000138.
  • Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2019). Interesting, but Less Interested: Gender Differences and Similarities in Mathematics Interest. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. ISSN 0031-3831. 63(2), s. 285–299. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2017.1336482.
  • Reber, Rolf; Canning, Elizabeth & Harackiewicz, Judith (2018). Personalized Education to Increase Interest. Current Directions in Psychological Science. ISSN 0963-7214. 27, s. 449–454. doi: 10.1177/0963721418793140. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Reber, Rolf (2018). Making school meaningful: Linking psychology of education to meaning in life. Educational review (Birmingham). ISSN 0013-1911. s. 1–21. doi: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1428177. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Silva, Rita R.; Garcia-Marques, Teresa & Reber, Rolf (2017). The informative value of type of repetition: Perceptual and conceptual fluency influences on judgments of truth. Consciousness and Cognition. ISSN 1053-8100. 51, s. 53–67. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2017.02.016.
  • Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2017). Eliciting Mathematics Interest: New Directions for Context Personalization and Example Choice. Journal of Experimental Education. ISSN 0022-0973. 85(4), s. 597–613. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2016.1268085.
  • Erle, Thorsten M.; Reber, Rolf & Topolinski, Sascha (2017). Affect from mere perception. Illusory contour perception feels good. Emotion. ISSN 1528-3542. 17(5), s. 856–866. doi: 10.1037/emo0000293.
  • Landwehr, Jan R.; Golla, Benedikt & Reber, Rolf (2017). Processing fluency: An inevitable side effect of evaluative conditioning. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. ISSN 0022-1031. 70, s. 124–128. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2017.01.004.
  • Reber, Rolf & Greifender, Rainer (2017). Processing fluency in education: How metacognitive feelings shape learning, belief formation, and affect . Educational Psychologist. ISSN 0046-1520. 52(2), s. 84–103. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2016.1258173. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Folgerø, Per Olav; Hodne, Lasse; Johansson, Christer; Andresen, Alf Edgar; Sætren, Lill Charlotte & Specht, Karsten [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2016). Effects of facial symmetry and gaze direction on perception of social attributes: A study in experimental art history. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. ISSN 1662-5161. 10:452(2016). doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00452. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Christensen, Bo T.; Kristensen, Tore & Reber, Rolf (2015). Contributions of consumer-perceived creativity and beauty to willingness-to-pay for design products. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. ISSN 2165-0349. 3(3-4), s. 164–176. doi: 10.1080/21650349.2014.981216.
  • Topolinski, Sascha; Erle, Thorsten M. & Reber, Rolf (2015). Necker's smile: Immediate affective consequences of early perceptual processes. Cognition. ISSN 0010-0277. 140, s. 1–13. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2015.03.004.
  • Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2015). Supporting interest of middle school students in mathematics through context personalization and example choice. Contemporary Educational Psychology. ISSN 0361-476X. 42, s. 17–25. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2015.03.006.
  • Garcia-Marques, Teresa; Silva, Rita R; Reber, Rolf & Unkelbach, Christian (2015). Hearing a statement now and believing the opposite later. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. ISSN 0022-1031. 56, s. 126–129. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2014.09.015.
  • Reber, Rolf; Christensen, Bo T. & Meier, Beat (2014). Effects of meaning and symmetry on judgments of size. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN 1664-1078. 5. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01270.
  • Reber, Rolf (2014). Mindfulness in education. I Ie, Amanda; Ngnoumen, Christelle T. & Langer, Ellen J. (Red.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-118-29487-1. s. 1054–1070.
  • Bullot, Nicolas J. & Reber, Rolf (2013). The Artful Mind Meets Art History: Toward a Psycho-Historical Framework for the Science of Art Appreciation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. ISSN 0140-525X. 36(2), s. 123–137. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X12000489.
  • Bullot, Nicolas J. & Reber, Rolf (2013). A psycho-historical research program for the integrative science of art. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. ISSN 0140-525X. 36(2), s. 163–180. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X12002464.
  • Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2012). Økt interesse for læring. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. ISSN 0802-8192. 23(4), s. 48–51.
  • Reber, Rolf (2012). Processing fluency, aesthetic pleasure, and culturally shared taste. I Shimamura, Arthur P. & Palmer, Stephen E. (Red.), Aesthetic Science. Connecting Minds, Brains, and Experience. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780199732142. s. 223–249. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199732142.003.0055.
  • Reber, Rolf (2012). Critical Feeling: The Strategic Use of Processing Fluency. I Unkelbach, Christian & Greifeneder, Rainer (Red.), The Experience of Thinking. How feelings from mental processes influence cognition and behaviour. Psychology Press. ISSN 978-1-84872-065-7. s. 169–184. doi: 10.1017/cbo9781107446755.010.
  • Chen, Weiqin & Reber, Rolf (2011). Writing Wikipedia articles as course assignment. I Hirashima, Tsukasa; Biswas, Gautum; Supnithi, Thepchai & Yu, Fu-Yun (Red.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education: ICCE2011. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. ISSN 978-616-12-0188-3. s. 692–696.
  • Reber, Rolf & Slingerland, Edward G. (2011). Confucius meets cognition: new answers to old questions. Religion, Brain and Behavior. ISSN 2153-599X. 1(2), s. 135–145. doi: 10.1080/2153599X.2011.598329.
  • Meier, Beat; von Wartburg, Philipp; Matter, Sibylle; Rothen, Nicolas & Reber, Rolf (2011). Performance predictions improve prospective memory and influence retrieval experience. Canadian journal of experimental psychology. ISSN 1196-1961. 65(1), s. 12–18. doi: 10.1037/a0022784.
  • Chen, Weiqin & Reber, Rolf (2010). Example Choice and ExampleWiki. I Chang, Ben; Hirashima, Tsukasa; Ogata, Hiroaki; Wong, Su Luan; Kong, Siu Cheung & Yu, Fu-Yun (Red.), Joint Proceedings of the WWIP and IYR Symposium at the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. ISSN 978-983-42512-6-0. s. 60–62.
  • Reber, Rolf; Wurtz, Pascal; Knapstad, Marit & Lervik, Linn Vathne (2010). Polarity correspondence in comparative number magnitude judgments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. ISSN 1069-9384. 17(2), s. 219–223. doi: 10.3758/PBR.17.2.219.
  • Topolinski, Sascha & Reber, Rolf (2010). Gaining Insight Into the "Aha" Experience. Current Directions in Psychological Science. ISSN 0963-7214. 19(6), s. 402–405. doi: 10.1177/0963721410388803.
  • Topolinski, Sascha & Reber, Rolf (2010). Immediate truth - temporal contiguity between a cognitive problem and its solution determines experienced veracity of the solution. Cognition. ISSN 0010-0277. 114(1), s. 117–122. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2009.09.009.
  • Reber, Rolf & Unkelbach, Christian (2010). The epistemic status of processing fluency as source for judgments of truth. Review of Philosophy and Psychology. ISSN 1878-5158. 1(4), s. 563–581. doi: 10.1007/s13164-010-0039-7.
  • Rice, Diana R.; Abrams, Dominic; Badea, Constantina; Bohner, Gerd; Carnaghi, Andrea & Dementi, Lyudmila I. [Vis alle 18 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2010). What did you just call me? European and American ratings of the valence of ethnophaulisms (ethnic labels). Journal of Language and Social Psychology. ISSN 0261-927X. 29(1), s. 117–131. doi: 10.1177/0261927X09351696.
  • Reber, Rolf; Chen, Weiqin; Hetland, Hilde; Norman, Elisabeth & Kobbeltvedt, Therese (2009). Effects of Example Choice on Interest, Control, and Learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. ISSN 1050-8406. 18(4), s. 509–548.
  • Oyserman, Daphna; Sorensen, Nicholas; Reber, Rolf & Chen, Sylvia Xiaohua (2009). Connecting and separating mindsets: Culture as situated cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. ISSN 0022-3514. 97(2), s. 217–235. doi: 10.1037/a0015850.
  • Reber, Rolf; Hetland, Hilde; Chen, Weiqin; Norman, Elisabeth & Kobbeltvedt, Therese (2009). Effects of example choice on interest, control, and learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. ISSN 1050-8406. 18(4), s. 509–548. doi: 10.1080/10508400903191896.
  • Chen, Weiqin; Reber, Rolf; Stokke-Olsen, Anne Margrethe & Gudem, Birgitte (2008). ICT in psychology teaching: A formative evaluation. International Journal on E-learning. ISSN 1537-2456. 7(2), s. 201–218.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Reber, Rolf (2021). Psychologie: Grundlagen, Methoden, Therapien. C.H. Beck. ISBN 978-3406765827. 128 s.
  • Reber, Rolf (2019). Psychology -- the basics. Routledge. ISBN 9781138552265. 184 s.
  • Reber, Rolf (2016). Critical Feeling. How to Use Feelings Strategically. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107629769. 308 s.
  • Reber, Rolf (2015). Hverdagslivets psykologi.Forstå livet bedre (Orig. tysk; oversetter: Lars Holm-Hansen). Pax Forlag. ISBN 9788253038094. 160 s.
  • Reber, Rolf (2010). [A brief psychology of everyday life] Chinese translation of "Kleine Psychologie des Alltäglichen", München: Beck. Global Group Holdings, Ltd.. ISBN 978-986-185-421-2. 224 s.
  • Reber, Rolf (2008). Gut so! Kleine Psychologie der Tugend [That's good! A brief psychology of virtue]. C.H. Beck. ISBN 978-3-406-57362-0. 142 s.
  • Reber, Rolf (2008). [A brief psychology of everyday life. 72 lessons on how to understand life better] Korean translation. 21st Century Publishers. ISBN 9788950916268. 149 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Prenevost, Mathilde Hallingstad; Nilsen, Ida Bekke Rønneberg; Bølstad, Evalill; Pons, Francisco; Harris, Paul L. & Reber, Rolf (2024). Children's Experience and Understanding of Aha-Moments.
  • Nilsen, Ida Bekke Rønneberg; Bølstad, Evalill; Pons Piulats, Francisco Maria; Harris, Paul L. & Reber, Rolf (2024). Children’s experience and understanding of aha-experiences.
  • Haugen, Linda Josefine Aas; Prenevost, Mathilde Hallingstad; Nilsen, Ida Bekke Rønneberg & Reber, Rolf (2023). First insights into children’s aha-experiences: A parent report study.
  • Prenevost, Mathilde Hallingstad; Haugen, Linda Josefine Aas; Nilsen, Ida Bekke Rønneberg; Bølstad, Evalill; Pons Piulats, Francisco Maria & Reber, Rolf (2023). Young Children’s Understanding of the Affective Implications of Insight – A First Study.
  • Haugen, Linda Josefine Aas; Prenevost, Mathilde Hallingstad; Nilsen, Ida Bekke Rønneberg & Reber, Rolf (2022). Aha-experiences in childhood.
  • Reber, Rolf; Riege, Anine & Martinussen, Liva Jenny (2021). Question asking, storytelling, and problem posing as interventions to trigger situational interest and learning in STEM-topics: A user-based approach to intervention-development .
  • Reber, Rolf (2020). Appreciation Modes in Empirical Aesthetics. I Nadal, Marcos & Vartanian, Oshin (Red.), The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198824350. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198824350.013.38.
  • Reber, Rolf & Bullot, Nicolas J. (2019). Conditional objectivism: A strategy for connecting the social sciences and practical decision-making,. I Valsiner, Jaan (Red.), Social Philosophy of Science for the Social Sciences. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-030-33098-9. s. 73–92.
  • Reber, Rolf & Norenzayan, Ara (2018). Shared fluency theory of social cohesiveness: How the metacognitive feeling of processing fluency contributes to group processes,. I Proust, Joëlle & Fortier, Martin (Red.), Metacognitive Diversity. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198789710. s. 47–67.
  • Reber, Rolf (2018). Beauty and truth in mathematics: Evidence from cognitive psychology. I Bangu, Sorin (Red.), Naturalizing Logico-Mathematical Knowledge: Approaches from Philosophy, Psychology and Cognitive Science. Routledge. ISSN 9781138244108. s. 252–267.
  • Skaar, Øystein Olav & Reber, Rolf (2017). Gender differences in Aha-Experiences.
  • Reber, Rolf (2017). Gender differences in Aha-experiences.
  • Reber, Rolf (2017). Availability. I Pohl, Rüdiger F. (Red.), Cognitive illusions: Intriguing phenomena in thinking, judgment and memory. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-138-90342-5. s. 147–163.
  • Skaar, Øystein Olav & Reber, Rolf (2016). Insight and Attitudes: Understanding the Aha-experience.
  • Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2015). Triggering and maintaining situational interest with context personalization and example choice.
  • Høgheim, Sigve & Reber, Rolf (2014). The effect of personalization and example choice on students' interest in mathematics.
  • Reber, Rolf & Bullot, Nicolas J. (2013). Artistic understanding matters to musical judgment Comment on "From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: Towards a unified theory of musical emotions" by Patrik N. Juslin. Physics of Life Reviews. ISSN 1571-0645. 10(3), s. 273–274. doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2013.06.006.
  • Reber, Rolf; Bullot, Nicolas J.; Blikstad, Camilla & Scocciolini, Giulia (2013). How artists use disfluency.
  • Stibric, Marina & Reber, Rolf (2013). The effects of example choice on students' interest and performance in mathematics.
  • Bullot, Nicolas J. & Reber, Rolf (2012). The artful mind meets art history: A psycho-historical foundation for empirical aesthetics.
  • Reber, Rolf (2012). Normative Issues in Psychological Research about Processing Fluency.
  • Reber, Rolf & Bullot, Nicolas (2012). Cognitive Science Meets Art History. A Psycho-Historical Framework for Psychological and Neuroaesthetics.
  • Reber, Rolf (2012). People’s judgements of the truth of propositions, and its application to intuitive decisions about the correctness of mathematical solutions.
  • Chen, Weiqin & Reber, Rolf (2011). Interests, Relevance, Motivation and Learning.
  • Reber, Rolf; Chen, Weiqin & Hetland, Hilde (2011). Hvordan vil ExampleWIki-metoden øke interessen for matematikk og maturfag?
  • Reber, Rolf (2011). How Norms and Values Influence Human Judgment (Keynote Lecture).
  • Reber, Rolf (2011). How to Increase Interest.
  • Reber, Rolf (2011). A Fluency Account of the Insight Experience.
  • Reber, Rolf (2011). How to assess processing fluency (within symposium "Issues in the Measurement of Facets of Metacognition").
  • Reber, Rolf & Topolinski, Sascha (2011). The phenomenology of insights (within symposium "Current directions in fluency research: Integration and expansion beyond classic effects").
  • Chen, Weiqin & Reber, Rolf (2010). ExampleWiki.
  • Reber, Rolf (2010). A Fluency Theory of Culturally Shared Taste.
  • Reber, Rolf (2010). Perception as Affective Experience.
  • Reber, Rolf; Hetland, Hilde; Chen, Weiqin; Norman, Elisabeth & Kobbeltvedt, Therese (2010). Effects of example choice on topic interest and perceived control.
  • Reber, Rolf & Topolinski, Sascha (2009). Einfach + schön = wahr [simple + beautiful = true]. Gehirn & Geist. ISSN 1618-8519. s. 20–23.
  • Reber, Rolf & Topolinski, Sascha (2009). Semplice + bello = vero. Mente & Cervello.
  • Reber, Rolf; Wurtz, Pascal; Knapstad, Marit & Lervik, Linn Vathne (2009). A Polarity Correspondence Account of Comparative Number Magnitude Judgments.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). The Shared Fluency Theory of Social Cohesiveness.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Perception and Affect.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Processing fluency: An interface between cognition and affect.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). What Are Aesthetic Tools in Science?
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Die Fluency-Heuristik bei intuitiven Urteilen.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Fluency, Schönheit und Wahrheit.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Die Rolle von Fluency und plötzlicher Einsicht bei intuitiven Urteilen.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Creating insights.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Processing fluency and Aesthetics.
  • Reber, Rolf (2009). Udfordringer ved forskning i transformationer.
  • Hvidsten, Helene Mathisen; Reber, Rolf; Stänicke, Line Indrevoll; Tidemann, Ida Therese & Kathrine Hume, Simpson (2021). Hvordan oppleves det å være forelder til et barn i barnehagealder som stammer? En tematisk analyse. . Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Skaar, Øystein Olav & Reber, Rolf (2019). Moments of Brilliance: Understanding the Aha-experience through Bayesian Statistics. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Høgheim, Sigve; Reber, Rolf; Federici, Roger Andre; Krumsvik, Rune Johan & Stadler, Matthias Gregor (2017). Making math interesting. An experimental study of interventions to encourage interest in mathematics. Universitetet i Bergen. ISSN 978-82-308-3877-8.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 3. okt. 2013 09:05 - Sist endret 11. feb. 2019 08:32