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Research groups

The research at the Department of Social Anthropology comprises several subjects. Many of our researchers are interested in related topics.

Kenyan farmer spraying insecticides against Fall Army Worm

Human-made chemical substances permeate and transform human and non-human lives and environments in the 21st century and have thus become an important theme in Social Anthropology.

Men in suits on a busy street with other pepole in the background

This group seeks to ethnographically explore the performative effect of ascribing ‘dependence’ to others as a means of politically shaping the world we live in.

Museum exhibition, green floors, white celings, columns

Students and teachers at SAI experiment, often collaboratively, with forms of ethnographic writing and dissemination, stretching the boundaries of conventional academic language.

Aerial view of spoil site

A network for researchers interested in engaging with questions that relate to resource politics.