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Previous African Anthropology seminars


Nick Rahier

"‘Deep Science’: Enchanting Urban Futures through Geothermal Explorations in Nakuru, Kenya"

Date: Dec. 14, 2023

Ismaël Maazaz

"Fluent waterscapes in the Lake Chad basin: exploring the entanglement of drinking water and flooding"

Date: Nov. 9, 2023

Emmanuelle Roth & Gregg Mitman

"Fragments of the Forest: Infrastructures of Extraction and Endangerment in the Making of a West African Hotspot"

Date: Oct. 26, 2023

Noemi Tousignant

"Postcolonial styles of research diplomacy (Senegal, 1970s)"

Date: Oct. 19, 2023

Nile Davies

Bona Vacantia

Date: Sep. 7, 2023

Timothy Makori

"A post-industrial world in a pre-industrial landscape: generations, monuments and movements in the Congo Copperbelt"

Date: Aug. 24, 2023

Anitha Kemi Tingira & Fatoumata Hane

"The Maternal Referral System, Childbirth Experiences and Healthcare Providers’ Dilemmas in Usandawe, Tanzania" and "A sociohistory of disease management in Senegal: Health policies between permanency and discontinuity"

Date: Jun. 15, 2023

Sarah Howard

Stable Jobs, Precarious Lives: Rural Public Servants in Ethiopia

Date: May. 24, 2023

Jess Auerbach

"Weighting data: Hydroinformatics, drift, and the cable around the cape"

Date: Apr. 13, 2023

Jochen Lingelbach

"On the Edges of Whiteness. Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa during and after the Second World War"

Date: Mar. 9, 2023

Samwel Ntapanta

Polarised Cityscapes: Gathering Electronic Waste and Its Malcontents in Dar es Salaam.

Date: Jan. 15, 2023


Patience Mususa

"The Politics of DIY Urbanism on Zambia’s Copperbelt"


Filip de Boeck

"TOXICITY : Presenting the Lubumbashi Biennale 2022"

Sep. 29, 2022

Julia Tischler

"African Encounters with Modernity and Development - Agriculture and Industrialisation in Southern Africa"

 May 12, 2022

Teresa Mbatia

"Activists Ignoring the Needs of Ordinary Citizens:  Web-Based Citizen Participation in Conserving Urban Protected Areas in Nairobi, Kenya"

Apr. 28, 2022

Gerda Kuiper

"Labour and living conditions in the cut flower industry at Lake Naivasha, Kenya"

Feb. 10, 2022

Ruben Andersson

"Fighting and fearing the Other: Notes for an anthropology of nefarious systems "

Jan. 13, 2022


Aissatou Mbodj-Pouye

"Radio, mobility, and migration. A view from Kayes, Mali"

Dec. 2, 2021

Katie Kilroy-Marac

"Postcolonial Psychiatry and Memory Work in a West African Clinic"

Nov. 11, 2021

Monika Motylinska

"Claiming the territory – and retreating. The Bong Mining project and its histories"

Oct. 28, 2021

Pierre du Plessis

"Speculative Presences and Temporal Disjunctures: Exploring Landscapes for Truffles, Water, and Gas in the Kalahari Desert"

June 17, 2021

Simukai Chigudu

"The Political Life of an Epidemic: Cholera, Crisis and Citizenship in Zimbabwe"

 May 20, 2021

Frederic Le Marcis

"наука и жизнь (Science and life.) Russian-Guinean scientific cooperation looking for viruses in the sub-prefecture of Madina Oula (1980-1990)"

Apr. 29, 2021

Cecil Marie Schou Pallesen

"Making Friends and Playing the Game. Tanzanian Indians Negotiating Distance and Belonging through Practices of Bribery"

Mar. 18, 2021

Nolwazi Mkhwanazi

"Negotiating families"

Feb. 18, 2021


Tom Neumark

"Living in hype: Tanzanian technologists and health for all in an era of techno-optimism"

Dec. 3, 2020

Naomi Haynes

"Concretizing the Covenant: Zambia’s National House of Prayer and the Aesthetics of Christian Nationalism"

Oct. 15, 2019

Hannah Brown

"Blind spots in global health:  Lassa Fever, Science and the making of neglect in Sierra Leone"

 Nov. 19, 2020

Sandra Calkins

"Between the lab and the field:  Plants and places of evidence in a Ugandan-Australian research collaboration"

Oct. 22, 2020

Katrin Bahr

"East Germans in Mozambique: Negotiating Solidarity and the Everyday"

Sep. 24, 2020

Gregg Mitman

"The Land Beneath our Feet"

Aug. 27, 2020


Melissa Graboyes

"Malaria as an “Environmental” Disease"

Dec. 4, 2019

Jacinta Victoria S. Muinde

"Eating and sharing: Universal Health Coverage, citizenship and narratives of ‘free’ public healthcare in Kenya"

Nov. 20, 2019

Guillaume Lachenal

"Tracing epidemics in an African anthropocene"

Nov. 6, 2019

Naomi Haynes

"Concretizing the Covenant: Zambia’s National House of Prayer and the Aesthetics of Christian Nationalism"

Oct. 15, 2019

Peter Ernest Mangesho

"Knowing and unknowing of AMR among Tanzanian pastoralists: local conceptualizations about (mis)appropriations of veterinary knowledge"

 Sep. 25, 2019

Richard Rottenburg

"On techno-scientific archives and (de)colonization"

Sep. 4, 2019

Armando Cutolo

"The return of Gbabgo: Oratory, history and performance in Abidjan street parliaments"

Apr. 3, 2019

James Wintrup

"Artful claim-making: rethinking relationships of dependence at a hospital in rural Zambia"

. 27, 2019

Published Dec. 13, 2023 2:42 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 12:36 PM