

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts Hus, 12th floor, room 1204 Molkte Moes vei 31, 0851 Oslo

The AMBER project is holding its first major workshop with a variety of invited speakers, panels and participants at the University of Oslo.

Time and place: , 9th floor kitchen

In this informal event, over lunch, members of the AMBER team will introduce themselves, present the ERC project, as well as their individual sub-projects to the SAI community.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2, P.A Munchs hus

Book presentation with Alessandro Rippa. 

Time and place: , PAM489, PA Munchs hus

Alessandro Rippa joins the "Lifetimes Friday seminar" to share some preliminary reflections regarding time and temporality from his recent fieldwork in amber mines in Mexico.

Time and place: , National University of Singapore

Alessandro Rippa and Dan Seng Lawn (Kachinland Research center) present and discuss their paper "Trading in troubled times: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, military coup, and Chinese border closure on the Kachin amber industry" at the workshop Rural-Urban Lives, Locations, and (Dis)Connections during Covid and Beyond, at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.