Project workshop: "Towards a Geological Anthropology for the Anthropocene"

The AMBER project is holding its first major workshop with a variety of invited speakers, panels and participants at the University of Oslo.

Image may contain: Organism, Petal, Pink, Violet, Font.

Illustration: Alessandro Rippa.

The workshop brings together scholars who have been thinking geologically across the social sciences and humanities to take stock of the multiple intellectual genealogies that inform such approaches, and to sharpen questions and methods of analysis for further investigations of the geological.

In the broadest sense, the goal of the workshop is to develop a theoretical and methodological agenda for a geological anthropology, and to discuss what a “geological turn” might imply for the social sciences and humanities at this time of profound and multifaceted environmental and social crisis.

Full program for the workshop.

The workshop is co-organised by Alessandro Rippa (UiO) and Zeynep Oguz (University of Edinburgh)

The workshop is open to invited participants only. For information and questions, please write to


Published June 7, 2024 10:40 AM - Last modified June 24, 2024 8:52 AM