Photius Gabriel

Photius Gabriel is a AnthEM Master's student based at Maseno University researching artisans' knowledge of mining activities, and the impacts on environment in Kahama, Mwanza, Tanzania.



Photius Gabriel is interested in Small-scale (or artisanal) mining in Tanzania. For his thesis he will be exploring artisans knowledge of mining activities and the impacts on environment in Kahama, Mwanza, Tanzania.

Gabriel's curiosity behind this area emanates from the fact that, during the previous president’s regime, the government lessened the artinal mining restrictions including access to licences. This led to proliferation of artisans in Tanzania. He is disquietingly interested to understand how has this proliferation impacted the environment, artisanal communities' health, and access to health care.

Published Nov. 16, 2022 12:23 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2023 12:13 PM