Ehxibition opening

An exhibition entitled 'Hytta - four walls round a dream' opened at the Norwegian museum of cultural history on 4th April 2019, running through to late autumn 2019.  

The exhibition included photographs by project partner and museum photographer Haakon Harriss and items contributed by research participants, as well as a hytte-corner provided by Aalhytte AS. Images were displayed alongside short reflective texts inspired by the stories told by hytte-interviewees, on what it means to be at the hytte, practically and emotionally, and the meanings attached to the hytte. 

photo-Jon Ilseng
Authors and photographer at the exhibition opening. Photo: Jon Ilseng
Photo: Jon Ilseng
photo: Jon Ilseng


Published Jan. 28, 2021 12:11 PM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2021 10:32 AM