Exhibition at Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

Between April and October 2019, the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History hosted an exhibition curated by MATKIN researchers, entitled Hytta - Four Walls Round a Dream. 

Image may contain: Font, Art, Gas, Event, Machine.

Welcome to the hytte. Photo: Haakon Harriss

The exhibition was held in the Mezzanine of the main museum hall, and showed a selection of images taken by photographer Haakon Harriss as part of the research. Haakon also photographed the exhibition itself that are reproduced here. Image may contain: Picture frame, Interior design, Art, Line, Ceiling.Image may contain: Picture frame, Art, Fun, Tie, Event.

The exhibition included short texts reflecting on what hytter mean to people, how they use them and how they figure in family life and across generations. A number of glass cabinets were used to display items from various hytter, as well as hytte-books, and a hytte-corner was built within the exhibition where visitors could relax, read the book 'Hytta' and sign the visitors hytte-book. The hytte-corner and furniture were supplied by Aalhytte AS. 

research assistant Catharina Sletner chats with visitors in the Aalhytte corner


Published Jan. 28, 2021 2:54 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2021 2:54 PM