Exhibition re-opens at Maihaugen

The Matkin exhibition reopened at Maihaugen, Norway's largest open-air museum, in January 2020. Despite the pandemic, the exhibition remained at Maihaugen until the end of November 2020.

exhibition mezzanine

Maiihaugen exhibition. Photo: Haakon Harriss

The exhibition portrays the tensions and challenges of owning, inheriting, using, loving and losing a family hytte. 

Marianne Lien, who has led the project, explains that, 'through photos and short texts, we show how kin and family become meaningful through hytte-use. 

The exhibition was open to the public from January to November, showing photographs by Haakon Harriss alongside the hytte-corner and selected objects that generate reflection and stories about hytte life. 

'We were delighted that Maihaugen wanted to stage our exhibition. It means we can bring our hytte research to a new audience,' commented Professor Lien. 

Image may contain: Building, Flooring, Floor, Art, Suit. Image may contain: Couch, Picture frame, Table, Interior design, Wood.


Tags: exhibition, hytte, maihaugen
Published Jan. 28, 2021 3:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2021 3:06 PM