Organizing team meeting at the University of Tokyo

At the end of September 2022, the INTPART organizing team met at the University of Tokyo for an opening workshop and coordinating meeting.

Image may contain: Sky, Building, Window, Plant, House.

Photo: University of Tokyo

At the end of September 2022, the INTPART organizing team met at the University of Tokyo for an opening workshop and coordinating meeting. Our objective was to lay a strong foundation for future activities, including plans for upcoming workshops and details about how to best organize student and staff exchanges across the partner universities.

A key feature of the event was that we brought together administrative staff from the partner universities alongside the academic staff, so that we can develop new forms of international research administration that dovetail with the new collaborations that INTPART is developing. In addition, we spent several exciting days concretely planning 1) a grant writingworkshop planned for March 2023, and 2) a multispecies landscape workshop to be held in Oslo in June 2023.

We also started work on developing the four PhD courses that are a central part of the project, with a special focus on the first course, which will be offered in October 2023. The courses will explore landscapes through multi-sited field-based casestudies linked to water and soils/terrain. Information about these and other activities will be posted on the intpart web page. 

Published Feb. 22, 2023 4:11 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2023 2:50 PM