

Time and place: , Soria Moria Hotel, Oslo

October 21-22 2015 the Rituals group of the Anthropos and the Material project organize an international workshop entitled The Ambiguities of Rituals: Re-thinking the 'Problems of Rituals'.

Time and place: , ES551

This time we will read Nils Bubandt's latest book The Empty Seashell: Witchcraft and Doubt on an Indonesian Island

Time and place: , ES821

We read a couple of texts on rituals and perspectives, and discuss these in relation to a draft written by Jon Henrik.

Time and place: , ES648

In this meeting we will discuss two contributions by Matt Tomlinson.


This time we will be visited by Diana Espirito Santo (New University of Lisbon) and Ruy Blanes (University of Bergen).


We discuss a text written by Benedikte V. Lindskog.

Time and place: , ES648

We discuss Thorgeir Kolshus' text.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

In cooperation with the Research project Reassembling Democracy: Rituals as Cultural Resource (REDO) at Faculty of Theology, UiO, we arrange a guest lecture and seminar on film, ritual and sacrifice on May 26-27.

Time and place: , ES648

April 25 we gather again for the second seminar in the series on Deleuze and ethnography.

This time we will be given two presentations: Jon Henrik Ziegler Remme (University of Oslo) and Bruce Kapferer (University of Bergen).

Time and place: , 648 Eilert Sundts hus

The sub-theme of ritual practices will arrange two seminars about Deleuzian philosophy and ethnography.

The first seminar will take place 11. December 2013.

The seminar will consist of two presentations: Morten Nielsen from Aarhus University and Knut Christian Myhre from University of Oslo.

These presentations will be followed by a more general and open discussion, for the sake of which seminar participants are expected to acquaint themselves with a few relevant titles beforehand (please see the complete reading list).