"Misreading the Bengal Delta" by Camelia Dewan

Camelia Dewan's monograph "Misreading the Bengal Delta" has just come out open-access

Book launch at Oslo's House of Literature, 13. September 2021; photo by Ulrik Horn

Camelia Dewan, postdoctoral fellow in the Container Ships-project, has recently published her monograph, "Misreading the Bengal Delta. Climate Change, Development, and Livelihoods in Coastal​ Bangladesh". The book has been published with University of Washington Press, and is also available in open-access format, to be downloaded here.  

An recent interview with Dr. Dewan on the book can be found here. In her book, she critiques development narratives of Bangladesh as a "climate change victim", and argues that Bangladesh's environmental crisis goes beyond climate change. She has also recently published an entry in "Cultural Anthropology's "Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights" section on "Caring for Dying Canals" that deals with similar issues.

Additionally, her chapter ‘Durniti or Durbolata: Self-Policing, Social Relations and Regulative Weakness in the Everyday Lives of Bangladeshi Government Officials’, can be found in Masks of Authoritarianism: Hegemony, Power and Public Life in Bangladesh, edited by Arild Engelsen Ruud and Mubashar Hasan, which came out with Palgrave Macmillan UK earlier this year. And the chapter "Embanking the Sundarbans: The Obfuscating Discourse of Climate Change" is a contribution to  "THE ANTHROPOSCENE OF WEATHER AND CLIMATE: Ethnographic Contributions to the Climate Change Debate" which also came out in 2021 with Berghahn Books.





Published Sep. 30, 2021 9:14 AM - Last modified Mar. 8, 2024 6:02 AM