PhD courses at the Department of Social Anthropology

The Department of Social Anthropology offers courses in recent anthropological theory as well as writing and method to our PhD candidates. Candidates with relevant projects from other departments or institutions may also apply. 


Time and place: , Oslo



Time and place: , Sunset Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya

PhD course (5 ECTS)

Co-organised with the Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo, and Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Maseno University, Kenya.


Time and place: , Blindern, Oslo

This course aims to make the participants familiar with different genres and forms of "place-chapters", drawing on a range of published work, and to work on their own readings, reflections and writing about the place they are going to, or have, studied.

Credits: 5


Time and place: , Oslo

How do scholars work across disciplines to better understand the complexities of environmental challenges as they materialise across geographies of difference and inequality?


Culture emerges through the unfolding of interspecies relations, involving and sometimes also transforming landscapes, people and non-human species.


The course invites the participants to develop an ecologically informed approach to anthropology, where the political is studied mainly through its effects.