Tidligere gjesteforelesninger og seminarer


Theories of race

 Apr. 18, 2023Litteraturhuset.

This discussion between Geoffrey Galt Harpham and Jon Røyne Kyllingstad, chaired by Thomas Hylland Eriksen aimed to show some of the nuances, contradictions and complexities in racial science, especially in the 19th century.

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.

Er vinteren slik vi husker den tapt for alltid?

 15. feb. 2023Domus Bibliotheca.

Forskere og forfattere med et tett forhold til snø og is snakket om vinterens betydning før, nå og i framtiden, med Thomas Hylland Eriksen og Marianne E. Lien som ordstyrere.

Arrangør: Universitetet i Oslo.


Honorary doctoral lecture: «The sociality of birds: reflections on ontological edge effects»

 Ragnar Frisch Auditorium 1, Eilert Sundts hus.

Professor Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing was appointed honorary doctor by the Rectorate of the University of Oslo in honor of her contributions to research and development at SAI.

Organizers: Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Anthropology.

Book Launch: Fire on the Island

 25. aug. 2022.

The Department held a launch for Tom Bratrud's new book Fire on the Island: Fear, Hope and a Christian Revival in Vanuatu.

Organizers: Department of Social Anthropology.

Arnd Schneider in conversation with Theo Barth

 15. juni 2022Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.

Arnd Schneider discussed his book Expanded Visions: A New Anthropology of the Moving Image with anthropologist Theodor Barth.

Organizer: Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.

Book Launch: Jobless Growth in the Dominican Republic

 2. juni 2022.

The Department held a launch for Christian Krohn-Hansen's new book Jobless Growth in the Dominican Republic: Disorganization, Precarity, and Livelihoods

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.


Book Launch: Misreading the Bengal Delta

 13. sep. 2021.

The Department held a launch for Camelia Dewan's new book Misreading the Bengal Delta.

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.


Kulturell kompleksitet: Tematikk, polemikk og tendenser 2010-2030

 12. juni 2020.

Heldagsarrangement som så tilbake på forskningsprosjektet CULCOM - Kulturell kompleksitet i det nye Norge. Dagen involverte panelsamtaler, forelesninger og diskusjoner om hvordan verden og Norge har forandret seg, og hva har vi i vente.

Arrangør: Sosialantropologisk institutt.


Laura Ogden: More-than-human Storytelling and Speculative Wonder

24. oct. 2019, Eilert Sundts hus.

Workshop on More-than-human Storytelling and writing hosted by Laura Ogden of  Associate Professor of Anthropology at Dartmouth College.

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology and the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities.

Theological politics: Debate, critique, and state power

Oct. 17, 2019, Eilert Sundts hus.

Workshop on "Theological Politics" co-hosted by Naomi Haynes (University of Edinburgh) and Matt Tomlinson (SAI).

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.

Internasjonalt symposium om "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries"

6.-7. mai 2019, Georg Sverdrups hus.

Femti år etter at antologien "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries" ble utgitt, inviterte SAI antropologer fra inn- og utland til å anvende og videreutvikle denne arven etter Fredrik Barth og hans kolleger.

Arrangør: Sosialantropologisk institutt.

Book launch: Ethnic Groups and Boundaries Today

 5. mai 2019.

The Department held a launch for Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Marek Jakoubek's new book Ethnic Groups and Boundaries Today.

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.

Boklansering: Hytta: Fire vegger rundt en drøm

29. mars 2019.

Sosialantropologisk institutt arrangerte boklansering for Marianne Lien, Simone Abram og fotograf Haakon Harriss' nye bok Hytta: Fire vegger rundt en drøm.

Arrangør: Sosialantropologisk institutt.

Not About The Anthropocene: The Political Ontology Of Life Projects

13. mars 2019, Eilert Sundts hus.

Extraordinary seminar on decolonial thinking with special guest Associate professor Mario Blaser Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Studies at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.

Forskningsdagene: What is my phone doing in Africa?

Jan. 16, 2019, Litteraturhuset.

Panel discussion between scientists from Norway and Tanzania on the effects of electronic in waste in Tanzania, and Norwegians' role in producing it.

Organizers: The Anthrotox research project, Department of Social Anthropology (UiO), Department of Biosciences (UiO), and Oslo Europe Green Capital.   


Decolonial Thinking with Professor Paige West

Time and place: June 18, 2018, Eilert Sundts hus.

Extraordinary seminar on decolonial thinking with Professor Paige West of Columbia University.

Organizer: Department of Social Anthropology.

Publisert 14. des. 2023 14:35 - Sist endret 24. juni 2024 15:20