Camilla Mevik


Mobile: +47 922 38 427


Camilla Mevik is a doctoral candidate at the Centre for the Studies of the Professions, at the Oslo Metropolitan University. Her PhD project is based on an extensive ethnography of the everyday organisation of work aboard a mixed nationality crewed gas tanker trading worldwide. Her PhD project examines on-board work organisation by looking at seafarers’ occupational identity in a multi-national, hierarchized and ethnically stratified industry with different wage-and contractual relations.

Mevik has extensive experience with the shipping industry, working for a Norwegian shipping company throughout several years in addition to offshore experience working aboard different vessels and shipping companies prior to developing an academic interest for the maritime world.

She was awarded the “Primera Mencion” in the 2017 Premio “Eduardo Archetti” for her MA dissertation “Working offshore: An anthropological account of labour at sea”, submitted to the department of Social Anthropology of Oslo in 2016.

Academic interests

Maritime anthropology, labour organisation, political economy, labour stratification, globalisation, labour regimes.

Publisert 30. sep. 2021 12:33 - Sist endret 30. sep. 2021 12:33