Phd-course in STS: The Politics and Practices of methods

This spring, TIK will host a ph.d-course in STS: The Politics and Practices of Methods. The course is organized by Noortje Marres, Ingunn Moser and Kristin Asdal.

Time: May 4th - May 8th 2015.

Photo from the STS course Writing Nature (2012)

Place: The TIK Centre, Blindern Campus.

Course organizers and speakers are:

Course content

Methods of the social sciences and humanities are increasingly expected to help solve the grand challenges of our time. At the same time, the social sciences are increasingly becoming a research object within STS research. In this PhD course, we will both analyze methods as empirical objects and discuss the methods we ourselves deploy in our research. The lecturers will discuss their own methods, including analysis of digital sources, interviews, and documents.

Please refer to the course page for more information.

Performing Environmental Change: The Politics of Social Science Methods

This autumn, Kristin Asdal and Noortje Marres published a guest editorial in issue 9 of EPA (Environment and Planning).

The editorial "Performing environmental change: the politics of social science methods", is recommended reading for interested applicants. Access the article here.



Published Nov. 10, 2014 4:03 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 1:49 PM