Popular PhD course at TIK

TIK has experienced great interest in its upcoming PhD course “The Politics and Practices of Methods”. The PhD course is now fully booked with a waiting list.

The PhD course will discuss two aspects of methods - methods as tools and methods as objects of research. Illustration: Colourbox.com

International interest

PhD candidates from universities in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Czech Republic, the UK, and the US contributed to an exceptionally strong participant list for this PhD course in STS. During an intensive course week in May, the candidates will meet in Oslo to discuss their own and each other’s practical research methods, from digital analysis and document analysis to ethnograpy and interviews.

The Politics and Practices of Methods

The course takes as its point of departure that methods of the social sciences and humanities are increasingly expected to help solve the grand challenges of our time. At the same time, the social sciences are increasingly becoming a research object, especially within the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). The course therefore approaches methods both as empirical objects to be studied and as the practical tools which researchers deploy in their work.

Course leaders

  • Kristin Asdal, professor, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Noortje Marres, senior lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
  • Ingunn Moser, rector and professor, Diakonhjemmet University College, Oslo, Norway and professor II, TIK/UiO

For more information about the course, please see course page.

Published Mar. 25, 2015 8:41 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 1:49 PM