The TIK centre will be involved in TEMPEST, a new inter-diciplinary project coordinated by the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI).

Illustration: Colourbox

The new inter-diciplinary project will be called Transforming household mobility practices through shared consumption: Low-carbon transport and sustainable energy solutions in urban areas. (TEMPEST).

Shared consumption

The project's main focus will study the transformation of household mobility practices by focusing on the emergence of shared consumption of formerly private means of transportation, particularly the privately owned fossil-fuelled car in urban areas.

More sustainable transport

Transition to a low-carbon transport system is a key challenge in the years ahead and particularly addressed in the call. Much hope is invested in that technological transport innovations, greening of cars etc., may help to spur changes toward more sustainable transport. However, gains in energy efficiency alone are unlikely bring about the necessary restructuring of the transport system, changes in transport practices that require less energy/fuel are also required. This is particularly important in order to achieve the zero-growth target for passenger car transport in major cities.

PhD at TIK

As a partner in the project, TIK will be granted an externally financed PhD position. The position will be announced in 2016.

Published Dec. 14, 2015 2:10 PM - Last modified June 25, 2024 1:49 PM