EU-SPRI Summer School on Innovation Policy: Open for applications

In mid-September, the TIK Centre will host the EU-SPRI summer school aimed at PhD candidates, early stage researchers and Science policy practitioners from the public sector and consultancies. This course will focus on the science system in the 21st century.

Time and place: Sep. 17, 2018 - Sep. 21, 2018, Blindern Campus, University of Oslo


The European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation, EU-SPRI Forum, holds a series of winter and summer schools targeted at state-of-the-art training for PhD candidates. This series focuses on the study of innovation policy and supporting disciplines. It concentrates on current research and debates on innovation studies and associated fields, with emphasis on policy and pressing societal challenges.

The September course in Oslo will follow earlier courses at SPRU/University of Sussex, Utrecht University and CIRCLE/Lund University. This course will focus on the science system in the 21st century using a mixture of lectures, debates and group work. It will include a combination of perspectives from science and innovation policy studies, STS and transition studies.

Visit the course page for more information.

Published June 26, 2018 11:24 AM - Last modified June 26, 2018 11:24 AM