Bård Lahn

Image of Bård Lahn
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Visiting address Moltke Moes vei 31 Eilert Sundts hus 10. etg. 0851 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1108 Blindern 0317 Oslo

My research focuses on questions of democracy and justice in relation to climate change and fossil fuel extraction. In particular, I am interested in the relationship between scientific expertise and political processes, the boundaries between economic and political rationalities, and how the future is rendered knowable and governable. As a postdoctoral fellow I investigate the technologies that seek to envision the futures of oil, and how these technologies shape the governing of oil in the present.

My disciplinary background is in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and sociology, as well as intellectual history and international relations. My PhD project dealt with how global climate knowledge shapes national and international policymaking. I have also written about the North/South dimensions of climate justice, fossil fuels in climate policy, and the history of oil and climate politics in Norway.

In addition to my academic work, I have worked with a number of NGOs and activist networks on climate justice and environmental issues, both in Norway and internationally. Furthermore, I have always been interested in literature, theatre, and the potential of artistic expressions more broadly in shaping the conditions for social change and political action. I am currently particularly interested in the role of oil in Norwegian culture, and how new understandings of the Anthropocene may resonate with longer (counter)cultural currents in Norwegian history.

Current projects

My postdoctoral project, entitled “The Futures of Oil”, investigates how oil has engendered new attempts to render the future knowable and governable, and the political implications of various types of future-devices such as models, scenarios and forecasts. Among other things, I focus on Norwegian oil policy from the 1970s until today, and on the relationship between oil extraction and financial valuation.

I also participate in the project “Fossil Free Futures”, coordinated by the Stockholm University’s Score centre, which researches how pension funds in the Nordics make decisions about investments in fossil fuels, and the ACCELZ project at the University of Oslo's Department of Political Science.

Previous projects

Teaching and supervision

I convene the bachelor course TIK2101 From Science to Action: Knowledge and Politics for Sustainability. The course discusses how scientific knowledge shapes society's response to sustainability challenges, and introduces STS perspectives on the relationship between knowledge and politics. It is open to all bachelor students at the University, and is also part of the University's sustainability certificate.

I also contribute to the teaching of the TIK Centre’s master courses in STS and the politics of nature (TIK4001 and TIK4011).

I supervise master students focusing on topics related to my research interests or STS inspired approaches to politics and democratic participation more generally.

Tags: Science and Technology Studies, Sociology, Climate change, Futures, Oil and gas, Energy Transition, Climate Politics


Asdal, Kristin & Lahn, Bård (2024). Governing as valuing: Assetization and the making of the Norwegian oil fund. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. doi: 10.1177/0308518X241260588.

Lahn, Bård (2023). Boundary Objects. In de Pryck, Kari & Hulme, Mike (Eds.), A Critical Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781009082099.

Lahn, Bård (2021). Changing climate change: The carbon budget and the modifying-work of the IPCC. Social Studies of Science. doi: 10.1177/0306312720941933.

Bang, Guri & Lahn, Bård (2019). From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum resource governance and climate policy. Climate Policy. doi: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1692774.

Lahn, Bård & Sundqvist, Göran (2017). Science as a 'fixed point'? Quantification and boundary objects in international climate politics. Environmental Science & Policy. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2016.11.001.

Lahn, Bård (2013). Klimaspillet: En fortelling fra innsiden av FNs klimatoppmøter. ["The climate game: Inside the UN climate summits." Norwegian-language monograph.] Oslo: Flamme Forlag.

  • Asdal, Kristin & Lahn, Bård (2024). Governing as valuing: Assetization and the making of the Norwegian oil fund. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. ISSN 0308-518X. doi: 10.1177/0308518X241260588.
  • Lahn, Bård (2023). Klimapolitikk i oljestaten: Robust folkestyre eller sementerte næringsinteresser? Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. ISSN 2535-2512. 7(4-5), p. 63–75. doi: 10.18261/nost.7.4-5.5. Full text in Research Archive
  • Asayama, Shinichiro; de Pryck, Kari; Beck, Silke; Cointe, Béatrice; Edwards, Paul N. & Guillemot, Hélène [Show all 30 contributors for this article] (2023). Three institutional pathways to envision the future of the IPCC. Nature Climate Change. ISSN 1758-678X. 13, p. 877–880. doi: 10.1038/s41558-023-01780-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2023). Boundary Objects. In de Pryck, Kari & Hulme, Mike (Ed.), A Critical Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 9781316514276. p. 225–233. doi: 10.1017/9781009082099.
  • Smith, Ida Dokk; Øverland, Indra & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). Norway’s Climate Club Quandary. Internasjonal Politikk. ISSN 0020-577X. 80(1), p. 184–196. doi: 10.23865/intpol.v80.3765. Full text in Research Archive
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Sundqvist, Göran & Øye, Eirik (2021). Post-Paris policy relevance: lessons from the IPCC SR15 process. Climatic Change. ISSN 0165-0009. 169(1-2), p. 1–18. doi: 10.1007/s10584-021-03210-0. Full text in Research Archive
  • Dooley, Kate; Holz, Christian; Kartha, Sivan; Klinsky, Sonja; Roberts, Timmons & Shue, Henry [Show all 18 contributors for this article] (2021). Ethical choices behind quantifications of fair contributions under the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change. ISSN 1758-678X. 11(4), p. 300–305. doi: 10.1038/s41558-021-01015-8. Full text in Research Archive
  • Blaxekjær, Lau Øfjord; Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Nielsen, Tobias Dan; Green-Weiskel, Lucia & Fang, Fang (2021). The Narrative Position of the Like-Minded Developing Countries in Global Climate Negotiations. In Klöck, Carola; Castro, Paula; Weiler, Florian & Blaxekjær, Lau Øfjord (Ed.), Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations. Routledge. ISSN 9780367313210. p. 113–135.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Changing climate change: The carbon budget and the modifying-work of the IPCC. Social Studies of Science. ISSN 0306-3127. doi: 10.1177/0306312720941933. Full text in Research Archive
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). A history of the global carbon budget. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (WIRESs). ISSN 1757-7780. 00:e636, p. 1–9. doi: 10.1002/wcc.636. Full text in Research Archive
  • Bang, Guri & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum resource governance and climate policy. Climate Policy. ISSN 1469-3062. doi: 10.1080/14693062.2019.1692774.
  • Kartha, Sivan; Athanasiou, Tom; Caney, Simon; Cripps, Elizabeth; Dooley, Kate & Dubash, Navroz K. [Show all 17 contributors for this article] (2018). Cascading biases against poorer countries. Nature Climate Change. ISSN 1758-678X. 8(5), p. 348–349. doi: 10.1038/s41558-018-0152-7.

View all works in Cristin

  • Lahn, Bård (2023). Hva anbefalte utvalget? Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Lahn, Bård (2023). Melkøya og elektrifisering som klimatiltak. [Internet]. Dag og Tid (podkast).
  • Lahn, Bård (2023). Olje, omstilling og klimapolitikk.
  • Lahn, Bård (2023). The futures of oil.
  • Lahn, Bård (2023). Dimensions of climate justice.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2023). Analysis: Norway Is Planning to Profit From Climate Change. [Internet]. Foreign Policy.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). How do policymakers use information on NETs portrayed in scenarios?
  • Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). For better or for worse – a break with Norway’s consensual climate tradition? .
  • Farstad, Fay Madeleine; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). For better or for worse – a break with Norway’s consensual climate tradition?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). Status i det internasjonale klimaarbeidet etter toppmøtet i Egypt.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). Nye utfordringer for oljelandet? Paris-målene og produksjon av fornybar energi.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). Strategier i klimapolitikken.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2022). Tore Wig unngår å stille det mest interessante spørsmålet. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Making carbon matter: Climate politics and the governing of Norwegian oil.
  • Asdal, Kristin & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Oil matters: Tools of governing and tools of valuation in turning oil into a risky asset .
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). En lang vei til enighet. [Newspaper]. Klassekampen.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård & Andrew, Robbie (2021). Slik går Norge fra å være miniputt til gigant på klimastatistikken. [Internet]. NRK.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Klimatoppmøtet i Glasgow startet i dag. [TV]. NRK Dagsnytt atten.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Myter om klimamål i Norge og EU. Energi og klima.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Map-makers and navigators?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). The Climate Question: When will countries stop exploring for oil? [Radio]. BBC Radio (podcast).
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård & Farstad, Fay Madeleine (2021). Norway’s ‘Climate Election’ Puts Center-Left in Charge. [Newspaper]. The New York Times.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). The climate issue(s) and the road ahead: what role(s) for science? .
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Skodvin, Tora; Sælen, Håkon; Farstad, Fay Madeleine & Sandanger, Gunnell (2021). Ny grønn giv med USA? [Internet]. CICERO - KLIMA.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Klimamål, oljeproduksjon og bruk av scenarier.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Klimamål i oljedebatten: Kommentarer til Perspektivmeldingen.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). The climate issue(s): Accounting for the environment.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Norwegian oil production and global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Why countries disagree about climate change.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2021). Å sette vitenskapen på (riktig) plass: Bidrag til enquête om Bruno Latour. Vagant. ISSN 0802-0736.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Hva gjør vi med 'produksjonsgapet'?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Det norske paradokset: Klimaleder og oljeprodusent.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Fem år etter Paris – hvor står vi?
  • Asdal, Kristin & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Valuing the oil economy: On climate targets and ‘tools of valuation’.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Miljø- og klimapolitikk: Globalitet og grenser.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Oljen utfordrer norsk klimatroverdighet. Agenda Magasin.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). The Climate Society and the road ahead.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Knowledge and expertise in environmental policy.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Sognnæs, Ida Andrea Braathen & Peters, Glen Philip (2020). How do policymakers use climate mitigation scenario information?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Dagsnytt 18: Politisk styring av oljeindustrien. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård & Normann, Håkon Endresen (2020). Låst til oljen. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2020). Usikre odds for ny grønn deal. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Hagem, Cathrine; Fæhn, Taran & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Klimaeffekt av oljekutt. Adresseavisen. ISSN 0805-3804.
  • Halvorsen, Kristin & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Planlagt produksjon av fossil energi bryter med klimamålene. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Climate neutrality the Norwegian way: Carbon trading? Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Science as a fragile bridge over troubled waters? The role of the IPCC in bridging the ambition gap in the Paris Agreement.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). The Climate Society and the road ahead.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Knowledge and expertise in environmental policy.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Climate neutrality the Norwegian way: Carbon trading? KLIMA - Et magasin om klimaforskning fra CICERO.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Dagsnytt 18: Klimatoppmøte i New York. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Olje i klimakamp: Hvor ligger uenighetene?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Økte klimaambisjoner i New York?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Internasjonal klimapolitikk - fra Paris til New York.
  • Vetlesen, Arne Johan; Lahn, Bård Lappegård & Martiniussen, Erik (2019). Hvem er "vi" i klimaendringenes tid? Prosa - tidsskrift for skribenter. ISSN 0805-276X.
  • Aamaas, Borgar & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Når vitenskap blir politikk. KLIMA - Et magasin om klimaforskning fra CICERO.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). På leting etter en oljesosiologi: Tre prøveboringer. sosiologen.no.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Klimasaken: Hva er det vi er uenige om?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). "Paris-gapet" mellom globale og nasjonale utslippsmål.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Distributional justice in the international climate regime.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Internasjonal klimapolitikk for dummies.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Bærekraftig utvikling - i Nord og Sør.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). COP 24 og "ambisjonsmekanismen" i Paris-avtalen.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Accounting for the environment: Science and numbers in political and bureaucratic practices.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). The history and politics of the carbon budget.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Dagsnytt 18 - Resultatet av klimatoppmøtet. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Klimarapport som stridstema. KLIMA - Et magasin om klimaforskning fra CICERO.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Vi er ikke i samme båt. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839. p. 12–13.
  • Bang, Guri & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum resource governance and climate policy.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). The Climate Society and accounting for the environment: Science and numbers ain political and bureaucratic practices.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). The Climate Society and the road ahead .
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Lahn, Bård Lappegård & Kallbekken, Steffen (2018). Paris-avtalen, EU - og norsk klimapolitikk.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Norsk klimapolitikk fra Kyoto til Paris: Hvordan henger norske klimamål sammen med det internasjonale klimaregimet? .
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T. & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Knowledge and expertise in environmental policy.
  • Kristoffersen, Berit & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Challenging status quo through supply-side initiatives in Norway: Way out or far out?
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Nye allianser i klimapolitikken. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116. p. 18–18.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Copenhagen to Paris: Distributional justice in the international climate regime.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Hvorfor la elva leve? KLIMA - Et magasin om klimaforskning fra CICERO.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård & Bang, Guri (2018). From oil as welfare to oil as risk? Norwegian petroleum governance and climate policy.
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2018). Accounting for the environment:Science and numbers in political and bueraucratic practices.
  • Hermansen, Erlend Andre T.; Boasson, Elin Lerum & Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2017). Fortsatt høye norske klimautslipp. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
  • Lahn, Bård (2017). Skråsikkerheten skader klimadebatten. Energi og Klima : Norsk klimastiftelses nettmagasin.
  • Alnes, Kristina; Sælen, Håkon; Lund, Harald Francke; Lahn, Bård Lappegård; Eine, Kristin & Alfsen, Knut H. [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2021). Climate assessments of six key Norwegian sectors. CICERO Senter for klimaforskning. 2021(02).
  • Lahn, Bård Lappegård (2019). Norwegian petroleum policy in a changing climate. CICERO Senter for klimaforskning. 2019(10).

View all works in Cristin

Published May 3, 2018 9:21 AM - Last modified June 18, 2024 12:00 PM