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INTRANSIT is an 8-year research centre (2019-2026) funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Logo for Intransit.

Research partners

INTRANSIT is hosted by the TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture at the University of Oslo, and is carried out in collaboration with:

User partners and stakeholder board

The main user partners in INTRANSIT are: 

The user partners are represented on the centre's board, and 10% of the Research Council's funding of INTRANSIT is set aside for collaborative projects with these organisations. Examples of collaborative projects are seminars, training events, policy briefs and similar.

Stakeholder board

INTRANSIT also has a stakeholder board. The following organisations are currently part of the stakeholder board:

  • GCE Blue Maritime
  • NCE Energy Technology
  • Innovation Norway
  • GCE Aquaculture
  • Digital Norway
  • Zero

Sister centres

The Research Council's FORINNPOL initiative funds three centres. INTRANSIT is the third, and has the following sister centres:


OSIRIS was the first FORINNPOL centre to be hosted by the TIK centre. OSIRIS (Oslo Institute for Research on the Impact of Science) aims to characterise the process through which research makes an impact in society, by looking at impact in health & care, policy and economic impact of science.


R-QUEST is hosted by NIFU, and is dedicated to state-of-the art studies of quality in research. The relationship between quality and impact is an important question at the intersection of the two centres, and we have regular meetings to coordinate activities and plan future events such as policy meetings and scientific conferences.

Published Mar. 6, 2019 2:24 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2024 3:42 PM